New Book of Mine: “College Talk”

My latest book reveals some of the most intimate secrets of people associated with colleges and universities.  Titled College Talk: Interviews with 300 People from Academia, this book is an anthology of interviews I conducted with people associated with higher education.  Participants include Nobel Prize winners, professors, students, donors, and even alumni from many prestigious academic institutions.

During the last two decades, I had the opportunity to interview hundreds of people from those institutions, revealing a great deal of diversity in academic experiences.  They talk about how they became interested in their academic fields, some of the most extraordinary experiences they have had, and how they pass on their students their

This nearly 600-page book is a compendium of the most revealing of those interviews and always accompanied by pictures.  These interviews conducted for radio and TV shows titled “College Talk” were later summarized in newspaper articles.  These articles have been updated and collected for this book.

If the general public currently suffers from amnesia about who faculty are and what they do, then spending time with this volume is a much-needed therapy to assuage anxieties and promote a renewed embrace of importance of faculty work for the creation of an educated citizenry,” wrote Dr. Larry LaFond, English professor at Southern Illinois University Edwardsville, and who wrote the preface.

The book also includes an article I wrote about being a college professor as well as four obituaries he wrote about academic colleagues he knew very well and whose careers were cut short by an untimely death.

The book is available through Amazon.