Complete List of Publications

(Names in bold are students of mine)


0001. Romero, A. 1970. Estamos contaminando el agua del mar.  Algo (164):26-28.


0002. Romero, A. 1972a. La nueva Sección de Hidrobiología del Museo de Zoología de Barcelona.  Miscelánea Zoológica 3(2):111-113.

0003. Romero, A. 1972b. Las aves marinas.  Algo (212):20-23.

0004. Romero, A. 1972c. Las tortugas marinas.  Algo (214):22- 27.

0005. Romero, A. 1972d. Hace un siglo que partió el barco oceanográfico Challenger.  El Noticiero Universal (26923):16.  26 December 1972.


 0006. Romero, A. 1973a. La odisea submarina en aguas de Palomares.  El Noticiero Universal (26936):7.  11 January 1973.

0007. Romero, A. 1973b. El argonauta y su complicada vida amorosa.  El Noticiero Universal (26950):8.  27 January 1973.

0008. Romero, A. 1973c. Las focas y sus extraños sonidos submarinos.  Algo (219):20-27.

0009. Romero, A. 1973d. El curioso cangrejo ermitaño.  Algo (220):22-24.

0010. Romero, A. 1973e. Los peces voladores y su falso vuelo.  Noticiero Universal (26968):30. 17 February 1973.

0011. Romero, A. 1973f. La sedentaria vida de las esponjas.  El Noticiero Universal (26994):4. 21 March 1973.

0012. Romero, A. 1973g. El lenguaje de los peces.  Vida Acuática 2(13):439-441.

0013. Romero, A. 1973h. Lo que todos debemos saber: Las reglas de la nomenclatura zoológicaVida Acuática 2 (13):463-464.

0014. Romero, A. 1973i. Las voraces estrellas de mar.  El Noticiero Universal (27020):14.  21 April 1973.

0015. Romero, A. 1973j. Las frágiles y peligrosas medusas.  El Noticiero Universal (27041):14. 12 May 1973.

0016. Romero, A. 1973k. El petróleo submarino.  Algo (228):8-12.

0017. Romero, A. 1973l. De los Sealabs a los Skylabs.  El Noticiero Universal (27067):8.  15 June 1973.

0018. Romero, A. 1973m. Los cañones submarinos.  Algo (229):27-32.

0019. Romero, A. 1973n. El peligro de las pruebas nucleares francesas.  El Noticiero Universal (27083):8.  4 July 1973.

0020. Romero, A. 1973o. Han sido publicados los resultados de la experiencia “Tektite II”.  El Noticiero Universal (27103):8.  27 July 1973.

0021. Romero, A. 1973p. La orca o ballena asesina.  Algo (231):16-21.

0022. Romero, A. 1973q. El desconocido pez luna.  Algo (234):7.

0023. Gimeno, J. & A. Romero. 1973. ¿Respiraremos algún día el agua del mar?  Algo (235):31-33.

0024. Romero, A. 1973r. Cousteau: No. 8 en USA.  El Noticiero Universal (27147):10.  17 September 1973.

0025. Romero, A. 1973s. Tektite II: Un gran paso adelante en la conquista del mar y de conocimientos científicos.  Ibérica 3(136):448-450.

0026. Romero, A. 1973t. Revolucionario descubrimiento: investigadores japoneses obtienen un medicamento efectivo para varias enfermedades frecuentes en los peces.  El Noticiero Universal (27162):15.

0027. Romero, A. 1973u. Las insaciables pirañas.  Algo (239):19-22.


0028. Romero, A. 1974a. El inevitable guppy.  Vida Acuática 2(15):511-520.

0029. Romero, A. 1974b. Cómo exterminar a las tortugas marinas.  El Noticiero Universal (27257):24.  23 January 1974.

0030. Romero, A. 1974c. El suculento “palolo”.  El Noticiero Universal (27259):8.  24 January 1974.

0031. Romero, A. 1974d. La divulgación científica en la radio. pp.:299-308, In: Memorias del 1er. Congreso Iberoamericano de Periodismo Científico. Caracas, Venezuela: Asociación Iberoamericana de Periodismo Científico.

0032. Romero, A. 1974e. Las pirañas ante la ciencia.  El Noticiero Universal (27280):6.  18 February 1974.

0033. Romero, A. 1974f. El cangrejo ermitaño: vocación de emigrante.  El Noticiero Universal (27301):42.  14 March 1974.

0034. Romero, A. 1974g. Los fabulosos moluscos del Océano Indico.  Algo (246):20-23.

0035. Romero, A. 1974h. Por si usted se encontrara con una ballena…  El Noticiero Universal (27336):8.  25 April 1974.

0036. Romero, A. 1974i. Delfines y leones marinos, nuevas armas de la guerra submarina.  Algo (250):11-13.

0037. Romero, A. 1974j. Los insectos: herederos de la Tierra.  Algo (251):11-17.

0038. Romero, A. 1974k. Environment “74”.  El Noticiero Universal (27376):8.  10 June 1974.

0039. Romero, A. 1974l. Las increíbles arañas acuáticas.  Algo (252):17-19.

0040. Romero, A. 1974m. Marinelandia del Pacífico.  Algo (253):20-23.

0041. Romero, A. 1974n. Descaro científico francés.  El Noticiero Universal (27414):6.  24 July 1974.

0042. Romero, A. 1974o. Periodismo científico.  El Noticiero Universal (27020):15.  31 July 1974.

0043. Romero, A. 1974p. La investigación de los recursos minerales españoles ante la crisis de materias primas.  El Noticiero Universal (27427):31.  8 August 1974.

0044. Romero, A. 1974q. Cometa Kohoutek: el espectáculo fracasado.  El Noticiero Universal (27432):6.  14 August 1974.

0045. Romero, A. 1974r. Por las ballenas, cambien los hombres.  El Noticiero Universal (27438):16.  21 August 1974.

0046. Romero, A. 1974s. Agua, vida y sociedad moderna.  El Noticiero Universal (27444):11.  28 August 1974.

0047. Romero, A. 1974t. Linus Pauling: científicos para la paz.  El Noticiero Universal (27451):33.  4 September 1974.

0048. Romero, A. 1974u. Botánica y Medio Ambiente.  El Noticiero Universal (27456):31.  11 September 1974.

0049. Romero, A. 1974v. Las cacerolas de las Molucas, auténticos fósiles vivientes.  Algo (258):12-15.

0050. Romero, A. 1974w. ¿Podremos comunicarnos realmente con los delfines?  El Noticiero Universal (27462):32.  18 September 1974.

0051. Romero, A. 1974x. Durán-Reynals: la gloria del reconocimiento.  El Noticiero Universal (27468):12.  25 September 1974.  25 September 1974.

0052. Romero, A. 1974y. Desde el X Symposium de Cromatografía.  El Noticiero Universal (27473):18.  1 October 1974.

0053. Romero, A. 1974z. Segundo día del X Symposium Internacional de Cromatografía.  El  Noticiero Universal (27474):20.  2 October 1974.

0054. Romero, A. 1974aa. Los huracanes: eterna, triste y necesaria actualidad.  El Noticiero Universal (27474):34.  2 October 1974.

0055. Romero, A. 1974ab. Nubes de moléculas orgánicas en el espacio.  El Noticiero Universal (27474):34.  3 October 1974.

0056. Romero, A. 1974ac. Represalias a la política nuclear francesa.  El Noticiero Universal (27474):34.   2 October 1974.

0057. Romero, A. 1974ad. Día de descanso del X Symposium Internacional de Cromatografía.  El Noticiero Universal (27475):18.  3 October 1974.

0058. Romero, A. 1974ae. El X Symposium Internacional de Cromatografía.  El Noticiero Universal (27476):20.  4 October 1974.

0059. Romero, A. 1974af. Clausura del X Symposium Internacional de Cromatografía.  El Noticiero Universal (27477):18.  5 October 1974.

0060. Romero, A. 1974ag. ¿La ciencia… sólo para hombres?  El Noticiero Universal (27480):32. 9 October 1974.

0061. Romero, A. 1974ah. Medio Ambiente 1974.  Algo (260):13-15.

0062. Romero, A. 1974ai. …Y la Junta de Energía Nuclear, habló.  El Noticiero Universal (27486):35.  16 October 1974.

0063. Romero, A. 1974aj. La trascendencia de los premios Nobel científicos 1974.  El Noticiero Universal (27492):8.  23 October 1974.

0064. Romero, A. 1974ak. El mecanismo de los premios Nobel.  El Noticiero Universal (27492):8.  23 October 1974.

0065. Romero, A. 1974al. Hoy, apertura del I Symposium “Luz y Visión”.  El Noticiero Universal (27496):23.  28 October 1974.

0066. Romero, A. 1974am. ¿Hablar de contaminación?: sí, pero con prudencia.  El Noticiero Universal (27498).  30 October 1974.

0067. Romero, A. 1974an. Impresiones del hombre de la calle en torno al I Symposium “Luz y Visión”.  El Óptico Profesional 21(177):30-31.

0068. Romero, A. 1974ao. La deriva de los continentes.  Algo (261):8-12.

0069. Romero, A. 1974ap. España tiene un déficit de 18.000 científicos.  El Noticiero Universal (27504):34.  6 November 1974.

0070. Romero, A. 1974aq. El Instituto Nacional de Técnica Aeroespacial, un ejemplo de muchas cosas.  El Noticiero Universal (27510):36.  13 November 1974.

0071. Romero, A. 1974ar. ¿Es falso que los delfines se suiciden?  El Noticiero Universal (27510):36.  13 November 1974.

0072. Romero, A. 1974as. Espionaje científico.  El Noticiero Universal (27516):36.  20 November 1974.

0073. Romero, A. 1974at. La fuga de cerebros: sangría insostenible.  El Noticiero Universal (27521):44.  27 November 1974.

0074. Romero, A. 1974au. Mercurio: el redescubrimiento de un planeta.  El Noticiero Universal (27527):34.  4 December 1974.

0075. Romero, A. 1974av. El Instituto Geológico y Minero de España cumple 125 años.  El Noticiero Universal (27533):30.  11 December 1974.

0076. Romero, A. 1974aw. Júpiter: sencillamente fantástico.  El Noticiero Universal (27533):30. 11 December 1974.

0077. Romero, A. 1974ax. El biólogo, profesional maldito.  El Noticiero Universal (27540):15. 18 December 1974.


0078. Romero, A. 1975a. España, en la Fundación Europea de la Ciencia.  El Noticiero Universal (27555):8.  8 January 1975.

0079. Romero, A. 1975b. Peces y delfines mediterráneos, con altísimas concentraciones de mercurio.  El Noticiero Universal (27555):8.  8 January 1975.

0080. Romero, A. 1975c. La etología: ciencia en subdesarrollo.  El Noticiero Universal (27561):8. 15 January 1975.

0081. Romero, A. 1975d. La utilización de la energía solar.  El Noticiero Universal (27566):37, 40.  21 January 1975.

0082. Romero, A. 1975e. Una soviética, campeona mundial de ajedrez.  El Noticiero Universal (27567):30.  22 January 1975.

0083. Romero, A. 1975f. Descubiertos restos recientes de un megaterio.  El Noticiero Universal (27573):20.  29 January 1975.

0084. Romero, A. 1975g. Una tortuga llamada “matá-matá”.  Algo (267):23.

0085. Romero, A. 1975h. Un abono llamado dinero.  El Noticiero Universal (27579):30.  5 February 1975.

0086. Romero, A. 1975i. Matemáticos: una mano de obra necesaria.  El Noticiero Universal (27585):30.  12 February 1975.

0087. Romero, A. 1975j. La ciencia y la industria están peligrosamente divorciadas.  El Noticiero Universal (27594):26.  22 February 1975.

0088. Romero, A. 1975k. Ha muerto a la edad de 101 años William Coolidge.  El Noticiero Universal (27594):26.  22 February 1975.

0089. Romero, A. 1975l. Kissinger prepara una gran ofensiva de diplomacia científica.  El Noticiero Universal (27594):26.  22 February 1975.

0090. Romero, A. 1975m. Los científicos catalanes hacen públicas sus disconformidades y aspiraciones. El Noticiero Universal (27579):32.  26 February 1975.

0091. Romero, A. 1975n. ¿Los restos del Hombre de Pekín?  El Noticiero Universal (27579):32. 26 February 1975.

0092. Romero, A. 1975o. Descentralizar la investigación: tarea urgente.  El Noticiero Universal (27609):20.  12 March 1975.

0093. Romero, A. 1975p. Los sirenios: entre el mito y la tragedia.  Algo (270):22-27.

0094. Romero, A. 1975q. Los hotentotes, un pueblo que desaparece.  El Noticiero Universal (27615):32.  19 March 1975.

0095. Romero, A. 1975r. El próximo 3 de abril regresa Severo Ochoa.  El Noticiero Universal (27617):16.  21 March 1975.

0096. Romero, A. 1975s. ¿Han de estar la ciencia y la religión necesariamente enfrentadas?  El Noticiero Universal (27621):27.  26 March 1975.

0097. Romero, A. 1975t. Una roca lunar en Barcelona.  El Noticiero Universal (27621):27.  26 March 1975.

0098. Romero, A. 1975u. El regreso del Mago de Oz.  El Noticiero Universal (27626):30.  2 April 1975.

0099. Romero, A. 1975v. El delfín, “modelo” de la ingeniería naval.  El Noticiero Universal (27626):30.  2 April 1975.

0100. Romero, A. 1975w. ¡Ecólogos de todos los países, uníos!  El Noticiero Universal (27632):14.  9 April 1975.

0101. Romero, A. 1975x. La inflación está afectando en gran medida a la investigación.  El Noticiero Universal (27632):14.  9 April 1975.

0102. Romero, A. 1975y. ¿Sería conveniente un sindicato de científicos?  El Noticiero Universal (27638):33.  16 April 1975.

0103. Romero, A. 1975z. Evitar las guerras y elevar el nivel de vida, problemas fundamentales de la Humanidad (Linus Pauling).  El Noticiero Universal (27639):17.  17 April 1975.

0104. Romero, A. 1975aa. ¿Son los científicos tan “buenos” como la gente se los imagina?  El Noticiero Universal  (27644):32.  23 April 1975.

0105. Romero, A. 1975ab. ¿Serán los ordenadores los futuros dictadores del mundo?  El Noticiero Universal (27650):46.  23 April 1975.

0106. Romero, A. 1975ac. Una investigación pesquera, ¿por o para el desarrollo?  El Noticiero Universal (27650):46.  23 April 1975.

0107. Romero, A. 1975ad. ¿Es la investigación española de buena calidad?  El Noticiero Universal (27656):14.  7 May 1975.

0108. Romero, A. 1975ae. Ramón y Cajal, siempre recordado… en el extranjero.  El Noticiero Universal (27656):14.  7 May 1975.

0109. Romero, A. 1975af. ¿Quién se acuerda de la carrera espacial?  El Noticiero Universal (27656):14.  7 May 1975.

0110. Romero, A. 1975ag. El peligro de la ignorancia.  El Noticiero Universal (27662):36.  14 May 1975.

0111. Romero, A. 1975ah. España está tecnológicamente preparada para fabricar armas nucleares. El Noticiero Universal (27662):36.  14 May 1975.

0112. Romero, A. 1975ai. Ayer fue inaugurado el X Congreso de la FIAQCT.  El Noticiero Universal (27663):22.  15 May 1975.

0113. Romero, A. 1975aj. Ramón y Cajal: génesis y evolución de un científico.  Algo (274):8-12.

0114. Romero, A. 1975ak. Ha sido clausurado el X Congreso de la FIAQCT.  El Noticiero Universal (27665):18.  17 May 1975.

0115. Romero, A. 1975al. Mañana comenzará el Simposio sobre Evolución Molecular y Biológica.  El Noticiero Universal (27669):22.  22 May 1975.

0116. Romero, A. 1975am. Apertura del Simposio sobre Evolución Molecular y Biológica.  El  Noticiero Universal (27671):17.  24 May 1975.

0117. Romero, A. 1975an. Doctor Miquel: “El problema del envejecimiento interesa a la N.A.S.A.”  El Noticiero Universal (27672):27.  26 May 1975.

0118. Romero, A. 1975ao. E.S.A., N.A.S.A. Europea…  El Noticiero Universal (27674):32.  28 May 1975.

0119. Romero, A. 1975ap. La gallina de los huevos de oro.  El Noticiero Universal (27680):17.  4 June 1975.

0120. Romero, A. 1975.  Bioacústica en la conducta de los animales subacuáticos. I Congreso Español de Etología.  Salamanca, España (abstract).

0121. Romero, A. 1975aq. Bioacústica en el comportamiento de los animales subacuáticos. Revista de la Universidad Complutense de Madrid 24(96):151-167.

0122. Romero, A. 1975ar. Universitas sine investigatio, Universitas sine ratio.  El Noticiero Universal (27692):34.  18 June 1975.

0123. Romero, A. 1975as. Historia del Instituto Geológico y Minero de España.  Historia y Vida 8(89):64-73.

0124. Romero, A. 1975at. Las sorprendentes y devastadoras estrellas de mar.  Algo (279):14-18.

0125. Romero, A. 1975au. Uri Geller ante la ciencia.  Lecturas (1222):64.

0126. Romero, A. 1975av. La ballena gris.  Algo (284):12-14.

0127. Romero, A. 1975aw. Un hombre llamado Severo Ochoa.  Algo (285):8-12.

0128. Romero, A. & J. Gimeno. 1975. Las anguilas, eternas pasajeras de las aguas.  Algo (286):23-25.


0129. Romero, A. 1976a. Mitocondria se escribe con M de misterio.  Algo (289):23-25.

0130. Romero, A. 1976b. El tiburón de la película “Tiburón”.  Algo (293):31-32.

0131. Romero, A. 1976c. El ornitorrinco, ese absurdo mamífero ponedor huevos.  Algo (294):32-25.

0132. Romero, A. 1976d.  El libro del universo. 98 pp. Barcelona: Jaimes Libros.

0133. Romero, A. 1976e. Todo lo que la ciencia sabe sobre el Monstruo del Lago Ness.  Algo (297):15-18.

0134. Romero, A. 1976f. Predicción de terremotos: ¿Cuándo?  Día 32 1(0):48.

0135. Romero, A. 1976g. Nueva técnica de microscopía electrónica.  Día 32 1(5):46.

0136. Romero, A. 1976h. Preparando la minería del futuro.  Día 32 1(7):46.

0137. Romero, A. 1976i. Jaque a las pirañas.  El Correo Catalán 21 Noviembre, pp. 1,5.

0138. Romero, A. 1976j. La relación entre el científico y los medios de comunicación.  Día 32 1(10):48-49.

0139. Romero, A. 1976k. El horno solar de Mont-Louis.  El Noticiero Universal (28000):22.


0140. Romero, A. 1977a. Las largas manos de la petrolcracia.  Destino (2058):34-35.

0141. Romero, A. 1977b. Los genes asesinos.  Siesta (época 2) 1(4):50-53.

0142. Romero, A. 1977c. El spray nos aniquilará.  Siesta (e.2) 1(7):88-91.

0143. Romero, A. 1977d. El viento de las estrellas.  Siesta (e.2) 1(8):50-53.

0144. Romero, A. 1977e. El gas contaminador.  Día 32 2(12):45.

0145. Romero, A. 1977f. ¿Dónde está el límite del Universo?  Día 32 2(12):44.

0146. Mayayo, A. & A. Romero. 1977a. Mañana volverá el sol.  Día 32 2(15):31.

0147. Romero, A. 1977g. El día de las orcas.  El Correo Catalán. 30 Enero 1977, p. 20.

0148. Romero, A. 1977h. El penúltimo grito.  Día 32 2(19):48.

0149. Mayayo, A. & A. Romero. 1977b. Perfiles humanos: Darwin.  Lince (1):21.

0150. Mayayo, A. & A. Romero. 1977c. Nuevos horizontes: Los dirigibles surcarán de nuevo los cielos.  Lince (1):30.

0151. Romero, A. 1977i. Adiestrados para matar.  Primera Plana 1(13):48-50.

0152. Romero, A. & L. Vía. 1977. Tarracolimulus rieki, nov. gen., nov. sp., nuevo limúlido del Triásico de Montreal – Alcover (Tarragona).  Cuadernos de Geología Ibérica 4:239-246.

0153. Romero, A. & A. Mayayo. 1977. El ordenador y la comunicación hombre-delfín. Informática IBM (5):36-41.


0154. Romero, A. & A. Mayayo. 1978. La guerra sísmica ha comenzado.  El Noticiero Universal (28201):20.

0155. Romero, A. & L. Vía. 1978. Paleocyphonautidae: nuevos fósiles del Triásico español, probablemente relacionados con las actuales larvas cifonautas.  Estudios Geológicos 34:497-504.


0156. Mayayo, A. & A. Romero. 1980a. La inteligencia de los delfines.  Tópicos (484):31-32.

0157. Mayayo, A. & A. Romero. 1980b. Las aventuras de Carlos Sachs en Venezuela.  Tópicos (485):26-28.

0158. Mayayo, A. & A. Romero. 1980c. Las inundaciones de nuestros llanos.  Tópicos (486):24-26.

0159. Mayayo, A. & A. Romero. 1980d. Los más hermosos peces de colores.  Tópicos (487):28-30.

0160. Mayayo, A. & A. Romero. 1980e. Venezuela hace cuatro siglos.  Tópicos (488):44-45.

0161. Mayayo, A. & A. Romero. 1980f. Las grandes revoluciones de la física.  Tópicos (493):26-27.

0162. Mayayo, A. & A. Romero. 1980g. Los arrecifes de coral.  Tópicos (493):26-27.

0163. Mayayo, A. & A. Romero. 1980h. El cultivo del océano.  Tópicos (494):18-19. 


0164. Armstrong, J., R. Buskirk, T. Gush, A. Hruska, P. Klass, A. Romero, & J. Thompson. 1981. Mud: an insect hotspot. Pp. 59-62, In: Organization for Tropical Studies 1981-3. San José, Costa Rica: OTS.

0165. Armstrong, J., D. Clark, T. Gush, A. Hruska, P. Klass, A. Romero, & J. Thompson. 1981. Theobroma cacao– Herbivory in monoculture and in diverse vegetation. Pp. 65-68, In: Organization for Tropical Studies 1981-3. San José, Costa Rica: OTS.

0166. Armstrong, J., T. Gush, A. Hruska, P. Klass, A. Romero, J. Thompson, & B. Williamson. 1981. Driptips and splash erosion. Pp. 90-96, In: Organization for Tropical Studies 1981-3. San José, Costa Rica: OTS.

0167. Romero, A. 1981a. Studies on feeding behavior on a population of Cichlasoma tuba (Pisces: Cichlidae) in shallow waters of the River Puerto Viejo. Pp. 97-99, In: Organization for Tropical Studies 1981-3. San José, Costa Rica: OTS.

0168. Crawford D., R. Happel, M. Higgins, A. Romero, J. Thompson, & F. White. 1981. Visitation of Heliconius to Cnidoscolus urens (“Mala Mujer”). Pp. 183-184, InOrganization for Tropical Studies 1981-3. San José, Costa Rica: OTS.

0169. Romero, A. 1981b. Adaptive behavior of Astyanax fasciatus (Cuvier) (Pisces: Characidae) and of Brachyrhaphis rhabdophora (Regan) (Pisces: Poecilidae) associated with subterranean waters.  Pp. 218-226, In: Organization for Tropical Studies 1981-3. San José, Costa Rica: OTS.

0170. Bonaccorso, F., T. Gush, L. Higgins, A. Romero, E. Santana C., P. Turchin. 1981. Effect of herbivores on Pothomorphe umbellata (Piperaceae). Pp. 252-253, In: Organization for Tropical Studies 1981-3. San José, Costa Rica: OTS.

0171. Buskirk, R., L. Higgins, A. Romero, E. Santana C., & F. White. 1981. Some population characteristics of Metabus gravidus colonies in Monteverde. Pp. 264-265, In: Organization for Tropical Studies 1981-3, San José, Costa Rica: OTS.

0172. Goldwasser, L., L. Higgins, A. Romero, E. Santana C., P. Turchin, F. White. 1981. Xanthosoma: an exhaustive study. Pp. 266-269, In: Organization for Tropical Studies 1981-3. San José, Costa Rica: OTS.

0173. Romero, A., L. Higgins, & E. Santana C. 1981. The double-slide method: an improved method for collecting organisms and for successional studies in aquatic environments. Pp. 294-299, InOrganization for Tropical Studies 1981-3. San José, Costa Rica: OTS.

0174. Romero, A. & T. Gush. 1981. Microenvironments in epiphytic plants at Cerro de la Muerte and La Selva. Pp. 385-389, In: Organization for Tropical Studies 1981-3. San José, Costa Rica: OTS.


0175. Romero, A. 1982. Troglophilic behavior in a population of Astyanax: a route to cave colonization? In: American Society of Ichthyologists and Herpetologists. 62nd Annual Meeting, International Symposium on Systematics, Evolution, and Ecology Neotropical Fishes. DeKalb, Illinois (abstract). 


0176. Romero, A. 1983a. Genetical, morphological and behavioral studies on the evolutionary biology of the Astyanax species complex of Middle America.  National Speleological Society News 41(1):8 (abstract).

0177. Romero, A. 1983b. Scientific collecting in caves.  National Speleological Society News 41:132-134.

0178. Williamson, G.B., A. Romero, J.K. Armstrong, T.J. Gush, A.J. Hruska, P.E. Klass & J.T. Thompson. 1983. Driptips, drop size and leaf drying.  Biotropica 15(3):232-234.

0179. Romero, A. 1983c. Introgressive hybridization in a population of Astyanax fasciatus (Pisces: Characidae) at La Cueva Chica.  National Speleological Society Bulletin 45:81-85.


0180. Romero, A. 1984a. Behavior in an “intermediate” population of the subterranean-dwelling characid Astyanax fasciatus.  Environmental Biology of Fishes 10:203-207.

0181. Romero, A. 1984b. Charles Marcus Breder, Jr. 1897-1983.  National Speleological Society News 42:207-271.

0182. Romero, A. 1984c. Cave colonization by fish: the role of bat predation. p. 146, InAmerican Association for the Advancement of Science, 150th meeting, 24-29 May, New York. Abstracts of papers. NY: AAAS (abstract).

0183. Romero, A. 1984d. Responses to light in cave and surface populations of Astyanax fasciatus (Pisces: Characidae): an evolutionary interpretation. Ph.D. Dissertation. Coral Gables: University of Miami. x + 130.


0184. Romero, A. 1985a. Morphological variation accompanying cave evolution in Astyanax fasciatus (Pisces: Characidae).  National Speleological Society News 43(1) (part II):22 (abstract).

0185.  Romero, A. 1985b. Cave colonization by fish: role of bat predation.  American Midland Naturalist 113:7-12.

0186. Romero, A. 1985c. Que la luz de la sabiduría ilumine nuestras cuevas.  Carta Ecológica (22):8-9.

0187. Romero, A. 1985d. Ciencia útil, ciencia inútil.  El Nacional (22 Febrero 1985, Cuerpo A):4.

0188. Romero, A. 1985e. Prohibido investigar.  El Nacional (27 Marzo 1985, Cuerpo A):4.

0189. Romero, A. 1985f. Pirañas imposibles.  El Nacional (22 Abril 1985, Cuerpo C):5.

0190. Romero, A. 1985g. La nueva revolución será azul.  Ciencia al Día 24(2):9-10.

0191. Romero, A. 1985h. La extinción es para siempre.  Carta Ecológica (24):1-10.

0192. Romero, A. 1985i. Status of Venezuela’s Biological Diversity: an overview. A reportpresented to The Nature Conservancy International Program, Washington, D.C. Washington, DC: TNC. 42 pp., mimeograph.

0193. Romero, A. 1985j. El pecado de enseñar.  El Nacional (28 Junio 1985, Cuerpo A):4.

0194. Romero, A. 1985k. Venezuela pierde su diversidad genética.  Ciencia al Día 25(1):27-28.

0195. Romero, A. 1985l. La evolución de la conducta en peces cavernícolas.  Natura (77):13-17.

0196. Romero, A. 1985m. Orquídeas: crimen y castigo.  El Nacional (21 Julio 1985, Cuerpo C):6.

0197. Romero, A. 1985n. Réquiem por una Idea.  El Nacional (31 Julio 1985, Cuerpo A):4.

0198. Romero, A. 1985o. ¿Adiós a las mariposas andinas?  El Nacional (16 Agosto, Cuerpo A):4.

0199. Romero, A. 1985p. Can evolution regress?  National Speleological Society Bulletin 47(1):86-88.

0200. Romero, A. 1985q. El futuro es ahora.  El Nacional (19 Noviembre 1985, Cuerpo A):4.

0201. Romero, A. 1985r. Xenofobia Científica.  El Nacional (20 Diciembre 1985, Cuerpo A):4.

0202. Romero, A. 1985s. Ontogenetic change in phototactic responses of surface and cave populations of Astyanax fasciatus (Pisces: Characidae).  Copeia 1985:1004-1011.

0203. Romero, A. 1985t. Specialized petiole feeding behavior in Cichlasoma tuba.  Brenesia (24):385-389.


0204. Romero, A. 1986a. Charles Breder and the Mexican blind cave characid.  National Speleological Society News 44(1):16-18.

0205. Romero, A. & A. Mayayo. 1986. La introducción de especies exóticas: el caso caribe. Carta Ecológica (28):6-9 [Reprinted in Frontera (Mérida)].

0206. Romero, A. 1986b. Los zoológicos: ¿último recurso?  El Nacional (27 Febrero 1986, Cuerpo A):4.

0207. Nigh, R., L. Madrigal, J.C. Navarro, A. Romero, E. Barriga, M.T. Ortiz, C. Ponce & J.E. Earhart. 1986. A tour of country programs.  Nature Conservancy News 36(1):12-19.

0208. Levin, L., R. Salazar, P. Belmonte & A. Romero. 1986. Orientación del cardumen en canales continuos de luz centrada: I. Anclaje del sentido de la natación en el canal circular.  Acta Científica Venezolana 37(Supl. 1):18 (abstract).

0209. Salazar, R., L. Levin, P. Belmonte & A. Romero. 1986. Orientación del cardumen en canales continuos de luz centrada: II. El sentido de la natación depende del ángulo de la luz en el canal infinito.  Acta  Científica Venezolana 37(Supl. 1):18 (abstract).

0210. Belmonte, P., L. Levin & A. Romero. 1986. Orientación del cardumen en canales continuos de luz centrada: IV. Ictiodromo: un canal continuo de replicación simultánea.  Acta Científica Venezolana 37(Supl. 1):18 (abstract).

0211. Romero, A. 1986f. He wanted to know them all: Eigenmann and his blind vertebratesNational Speleological Society News 44(11):379-381.

0212. Romero, A. 1986g. La ciencia como prioridad.  El Nacional (31 Marzo 1986, Cuerpo A):4.

0213. Romero, A. 1986h. Por un millón de especies.  El Nacional (24 Abril 1986, Cuerpo A):4.


0214. Romero, A. 1987. Observaciones preliminares sobre la conducta en individuos cavernícolas de Trichomycterus conradi (Pisces: Trichomycteridae).  Boletín de la Sociedad Venezolana de Ciencias Naturales 41(144):205-216.


0215. Romero, A. 1988a. Thirteen Fatal Errors.  Foundation News 29(4):58-60.

0216. Romero, A. 1988b. New national park for Venezuela.  Biological Conservation Newsletter (61):1.

0217. Romero, A. 1988c. ¿Conservar, para qué?  Tierra y Hombre 2(18):25-26.

0218. Levin, L., R. Salazar, P. Belmonte, & A. Romero. 1988. Light-oriented swimming of schooling fish in continuous channels.  Environmental Biology of Fishes 24(2): 145-150.


0219. Romero, A. 1989a. La suerte de Paraguaná no está sellada: Guarda reservas de un gran pasado. Ciencia  al Día 28(2):14-15.

0220. Romero, A. 1989b. ¿Ecoturismo: Peligro o panacea?  Diario de Caracas 10(3472) (Supl. Turismo):4. [Expanded version in Encuentros 7(16):3-4; Caza y Pesca 39(360):62-63 (Septiembre 1993)].

0221. Romero, A. 1989c. Una isla ecológica llamada Paraguaná.  Natura (85):27-29.

0222. Romero, A. 1989d. Bancos de medicamentos gratuitos en el reino vegetal.  Ciencia al Día 28(3):34-35.

0223. Paolillo, A. & A. Romero. 1989. Los relatos de la fauna orinoquense hechos por Felipe Salvador Gilij, evaluados con la óptica de la zoología del Siglo XX.  Revista Montalbán (21):159-178.

0224. Romero, A. 1989e. El hombre comenzó a extinguir especies hace 11.000 años.  Ciencia al Día 28(4):20-21.

0225. Romero, A. 1989f. Siguen de incógnito en el Amazonas un millón de especies vegetales y animales.  Ciencia al Día 29(1):32-33.


0226. Romero, A. 1990a. Notes on Venezuelan Conservation.  Biological Conservation Newsletter (81):1-2.

0227. Romero, A. 1990b. La conservación como misión nacional.  El Impulso (Barquisimeto) 27 Febrero 1990.

0228. Romero, A. 1990c. El futuro es ahora.  El Impulso (Barquisimeto) 24 Marzo 1990.

0229. Romero, A. 1990d. Nuevo Parque Nacional: Sierra de La Culata, ecosistema único en el mundo.  Carta Ecológica (52) (Enero-Febrero-Marzo): 1-3. [Reprinted in Nosotros (Lagoven) (Abril 1990): 28-29].

0230. Romero, A. 1990e. El continente de todos y de nadie: El Antártico.  Ciencia al Día 29(2):28-29.

0231. Romero, A. 1990f. Economía y ambiente: el reto de la década de los 90.  Recursos (35): 9-10. [Reprinted in Su Excelencia 2(10):28; Revista Aula (Caracas) 1:(3):21-22 (1992)].

0232. Romero, A. 1990g. Cultura corporativa y medio ambiente.  Reporte, Diario de la Economía (3 Junio 1990):16-17.

0233. Romero, A. 1990h. La Venezuela posible en materia ambiental.  Reporte, Diario de la Economía (13 Junio 1990) (Edición Aniversario):110-111.

0234. Romero, A. 1990i. Desiertos sin oasis sigue fabricando el hombre.  Ciencia al Día 29(3):36-37.

0235. Romero, A. 1990j. Conservación en Paraguaná: ¿Misión imposible?  Ámbito 3(6):25-26.

0236. Romero, A. 1990k. Los tiburones encontraron la horma de su zapato.  Ciencia al Día 29(4):28-30.

0237. Romero, A. 1990l. Protegiendo el patrimonio natural de Paraguaná.  Énfasis (9):17.

0238. Romero, A. 1990m. La sociedad civil y la defensa del ambiente.  Solidaridad Vecinal 2(8):13.

0239. Romero, A. 1990n. Investigaciones para la conservación de zonas áridas y semiáridas en Venezuela.  Memorias de la 62 Reunión SSC UICN, Caracas, pp. 101-103.

0240. Romero, A. 1990o. La deforestación: ¿el cuarto jinete del apocalipsis? Ciencia al Día 30(1):36-38 [Reprinted in El Vigilante (Mérida), 6 Agosto 1992, p. 8].

0241. Romero, A., I. Agudo & A. Mayayo. 1990. Inventario de cetáceos para Venezuela y el Caribe.  Acta Científica Venezolana 41(Supl. 1):382, (abstract).

0242. Romero, A. 1990p. Mucha agua, muchos problemas.  Economía Hoy, 15 Diciembre 1990: p. 26 [Reprinted in Su Excelencia 2(9):28, Sept., 1991; El Vigilante (Mérida), 17 Mayo 1992, p.9)].

0243. Romero, A. 1990q. Ecologismo: presente y futuro de una nueva ideología política. Investigación y Gerencia 7(6):255-257 [Reprinted in Ámbito 3(7):12-15].

0244. Romero, A. 1990r. Iniciativas de manejo costero en Venezuela. In: Organización de los Estados Americanos (Ed.) El Manejo de los Ambientes y Recursos Costeros en América Latina y el Caribe. Buenos Aires, Argentina: Senado de la Nación Argentina, Vol. 1, pp. 203-224.


0245. Romero, A. 1991a. Parque automotor, principal contaminante.  Economía Hoy 29 Enero 1991, p. 26. [Reprinted in Su Excelencia 3(1):20].

0246. Romero, A. 1991b. Auditoría Ambiental de Venezuela 1990. Reporte de la situación ecológica del país hasta el 31 de Diciembre de 1990. Caracas: Bioma, 63 pp.

0247. Romero, A. 1991c. Canje de deuda por conservación: ¿Demonio o panacea?  Economía Hoy 26 Marzo 1991, p. 18.

0248. Romero, A. 1991d. Las guerras de ahora matan también envenenando el ambiente.  Ciencia al Día 30(2):34-35.

0249. Romero, A. 1991e. Conocimientos, conductas y ética del venezolano con respecto al ambiente. In: Memorias del  III Congreso Venezolano sobre manejo de residuos sólidos, Ciudad Guayana, Venezuela, Junio de 1991, 17 pp.

0250. Romero, A. 1991f. ¿Qué es BIOMA?  Su Excelencia. Julio 1991 [Reprinted in El Universal, Extraordinario, Edición Especial del Medio Ambiente, 4(17):10, 31 Mayo 1992.

0251. Romero, A. 1991g. Sierra de la Culata: ecosistema único en el mundo.  Diario de Caracas 7 Julio 1991, p. 14.

0252. Romero, A. 1991h. Una siembra de arbolitos no es política ambiental.  El Universal 3 Agosto 1991, Edición aniversario.

0253. Romero, A. 1991i. Ecología y economía.  El Nacional 24 Agosto 1991, A-5.

0254. Romero, A. 1991j. Greenpeace en Venezuela.  El Nacional 30 Agosto 1991, A-5.

0255. Romero, A. 1991k. Cambio de rumbo en Brasil.  Su Excelencia 2(8):28, [Reprinted in El Nacional 10 September 1991, A-9].

0256. Romero, A. 1991l. Conversión ambiental en sector de los recursos naturales. Tomo 2, pp. 384-390, In: La gerencia de los 90. Caracas: Venezuela: Asociación Venezolana de Ejecutivos, Ed.

0257. Romero, A. 1991m. Parques y centralismo.  El Nacional 15 Septiembre 1991, A-4.

0258. Romero, A. 1991n. El venezolano y el nivel de conocimiento de la situación ambiental del país. In: Memorias de las V Jornadas de Seguridad Integral, Valencia, Venezuela, 17 pp.

0259. Romero, A. 1991o. Ecologismo y democracia.  El Nacional 22 Noviembre 1991, A-4.

0260. Romero, A. 1991p. El mundo se desertifica a pasos agigantados.  Su Excelencia 2(12):11.

0261. Romero, A. 1991q. Ecología profunda.  El Universal 9 Diciembre 1991, 23-23.

0262. Romero, A., A. Mayayo & I. Agudo. 1991r. Los cetáceos recientes de Venezuela. Memorias de la  Sociedad de Ciencias Naturales La Salle 51(135-136):169-180.


0263. Romero, A. 1992a. Auditoría Ambiental de Venezuela 1991. Reporte de la situación ecológica del país hasta  el 31 de Diciembre de 1991. Caracas: Bioma, 110 pp.

0264. Romero, A. 1992b. Economic Contributions of Venezuelan Protected Areas: The Tragedy of the Commons and Perspectives. pp.: 242-243, In: Síntesis de Talleres, IV Congreso Mundial de Parques Nacionales de Áreas Protegidas Caracas (abstract).

0265. Romero, A. 1992c. La Experiencia de Bioma en Áreas Protegidas. p.:135, In: Síntesis adicionales de Talleres, IV  Congreso Mundial de Parques Nacionales de Áreas Protegidas Caracas (abstract).

0266. Romero, A. & A. Mayayo. 1992a. Conocimientos del Venezolano sobre el Ambiente y Áreas Protegidas. p.:135, In: Síntesis adicionales de Talleres, IV Congreso Mundial de Parques Nacionales de Áreas Protegidas Caracas (abstract).

0267. Romero, A. 1992d. International Conservation Leadership and the Challenges of the Nineties. pp. 137- 150, In: D. Snow (Ed.). Voices from the Environmental Movement Perspectives for a New Era. Washington, D.C.: Island Press, 237 pp.

0268. Romero, A. 1992e. El Estado agoniza, viva la sociedad.  El Vigilante (Mérida), 7 Marzo 1992. p.8 and 5 Agosto 1992, [Reprinted in El Nacional 15 Mayo 1992, p. A4].

0269. Romero, A. 1992f. Ineficiencia del Estado y participación social.  Correo de los Andes (Mérida). 8 Marzo 1992.

0270. Romero, A. 1992g. Manifiesto ecológico para la nueva Venezuela.  El Vigilante (Mérida), 19 Marzo 1992, pág. 8 [Reprinted in Correo de Los Andes, Mérida, 23 Marzo 1992; Economía Hoy, 25 Marzo 1992, p. 7].

0271. Romero, A. 1992h. Participación privada en la conservación ambiental.  El Vigilante (Mérida), 31 Marzo 1992, p. 9 [Reprinted in Correo de Los Andes (Mérida), 7 Abril 1992, p. 4].

0272. Romero, A. 1992i. Producción en Venezuela de gases que destruyen la capa de ozono.  Su Excelencia 3(2):19.

0273. Romero, A. 1992j. Parque Nacional Sierra La Culata.  Endless Vacation (Enero-Abril 92):24-25.

0274. Romero, A. 1992k. Odios ambientalistas.  El Vigilante  (Mérida), 3 Mayo 1992 [Reprinted in El Correo de los Andes (Mérida). 4 Mayo 1992].

0275. Romero, A. 1992l. Hayek y ambientalismo.  Economía Hoy, 6 Mayo 1992, p. 8.

0276. Romero, A. 1992m. El rápido crecimiento de la población como problema ambiental en Venezuela.  El Vigilante (Mérida), 11 Mayo 1992, p.9.

0277. Romero, A. 1992n. Eco ’92: Poco pan y mucho circo.  Correo de Los Andes (Mérida), 16 Mayo 1992 [Reprinted  in Economía Hoy, 19 Mayo 1992, p. 7].

0278. Romero, A. 1992o. Situación ambiental de Venezuela, pp. 23-32, In: (Fundación de la Vivienda Popular, Ed.) Ambiente y Desarrollo Urbano. Caracas: Fondo Editorial Interfundaciones.

0279. Romero, A. 1992p. Los ecosistemas como modelos de caos.  El Universal, 31 Mayo 1992, p. 25.

0280. Romero, A. 1992q. La naturaleza engendró una nueva fuerza política.  Economía Hoy, 31 Mayo 1992, p.97.

0281. Romero, A. 1992r. Visión para ECO ’92.  Reporte, Diario de la Economía, 4 Junio 1992, p. 8.

0282. Romero, A. 1992s. El documento Venezuela de Eco ’92 o el tercermundismo ambiental.  El Vigilante (Mérida), 4 Junio 1992, p.8 [Reprinted in El Correo de Los Andes (4 Junio 1992); Economía Hoy (11 Junio 1992), p. 7].

0283. Romero, A. 1992t. Why the new environmental law won’t work- but what will.  Business Venezuela, June 1992, pp. 62-63.

0284. Romero, A. 1992u. No le echen la culpa a Río.  Economía Hoy (23 Junio 1992), p. 7 [Reprinted in Aula (4), October 92, pp. 20-22)].

0285. Romero, A. & I. Agudo. 1992. Situación de la conservación de cetáceos en Venezuela. Caracas: Bioma-Fundacetácea, 14 pp.

0286. Romero, A. 1992v. Es hora de vender gasolina sin plomo en Venezuela.  Economía Hoy (10 Julio 1992), p. 8 [Reprinted in El Vigilante (Mérida), 29 Julio 1992, p. 8; Correo de Los Andes (Mérida), 4 Agosto 1992, p.A-4; Medicol, Diciembre 1992, p. 8; SVIQ Procesos 1(2):8-9.

0287. Romero, A. & A. Mayayo. 1992b. Manual de Ciencias Ambientales. Caracas: Bioma, x + 212 pp.

0288. Romero, A. 1992w. La conspiración del silencio.  El Nacional (14 Julio 1992), p. 4 [Reprinted in Correo de Los Andes, Mérida, 17 Julio 1992, p. 4].

0289. Romero, A. 1992x. Envenenamiento por plomo.  El Universal (27 Julio 1992), p. 2-18.

0290. Romero, A. 1992y. ¿Al Gore, un ecologista al poder?  Economía Hoy (28 Julio 1992), p. 7 [Reprinted in El Vigilante (Mérida) 3 Agosto 1992, p. 8].

0291. Romero, A. & M.B. Morales. 1992. El Auyantepuy: la montaña del paraíso.  Horizontes (39):70-76, Julio 1992.

0292. Romero, A. 1992z. Auditoría Ambiental en Venezuela: la situación ecológica del país. InMemorias de la I Jornada  Venezolana de redefinición de roles en auditoría y organización y sistemas. Caracas 30-31 de Julio de 1992, 2 pp.

0293. Romero, A. 1992aa. Cien toneladas de mercurio contaminan la cuenca amazónica.  El Universal, 7 Agosto 1992, p. 2-21.

0294. Romero, A. 1992ab. Monóxido de carbono: amenaza para la salud pública.  El Universal, 21 Agosto 1992, p.21 [Reprinted in El Correo de Los Andes (3 Septiembre 1992), p. A-4; Frontera (3 Septiembre 1992), p. A-6].

0295. Romero, A. 1992ac. El mercurio: otro veneno ambiental.  Frontera (Mérida), 26 Agosto 1992, p. A-5.

0296. Romero, A. 1992ad. El oso frontino, rey de Los Andes.  Horizontes (40):92-95 [Reprinted in El Vigilante (3 Septiembre 1992), p. 8; El Correo de Los Andes (15 Septiembre 1992 y 16 Septiembre 1992). p. A-4].

0297. Romero, A. 1992ae. ¿Sirve el ozono para combatir el cólera?  El Universal, 5 Septiembre 1992, p. 2-19.

0298. Romero, A. 1992af. Situación de la conservación de cetáceos en Venezuela (2da. edición, Septiembre 1992). Caracas: Bioma-Fundacetácea, 26 pp.

0299. Romero, A. 1992ag. Cuando nuestra salud depende del agua que bebemos.  El Universal(18 Septiembre 1992). p. 2-21.

0300. Romero, A. 1992ah. Atracción fatal: ambientalismo y estatismo.  El Nacional (22 Septiembre 1992), p. 4.

0301. Romero, A. 1992ai. El Día del Delfín.  El Universal (suplemento) (23 October 1992), 8 pp.

0302. Romero, A. 1992aj. Un asunto de calidad de vida.  Cultura Corporativa (2):44-45.

0303. Romero, A. 1992ak. 500 años de impacto ambiental en Venezuela.  Horizontes (42):36-43.

0304. Romero, A. 1992al. Canaima. Caracas: Palmaven, S.A., 208 pp.

0305. Romero, A. 1992am. Asesinando la verdad ambiental.  El Nacional, 2 Diciembre 1992, p. A-4 [Reprinted in El Vigilante (Mérida) 8 Diciembre 1992].


0306. Romero, A. 1993a. Las consecuencias ambientales de la guerra.  Correo de Los Andes (Mérida) (5 Enero1993), p. C-5.

0307. Romero, A. 1993b. El envenenamiento de aves por plomo: un grave problema que sí tiene solución.  Caza Pesca (Febrero) (353):56-57.

0308. Romero, A. 1993c. Mujeres verdes.  Horizontes (Febrero) (46):28-32.

0309. Romero, A. 1993d. El agua: el recurso peor manejado.  Ciencia al Día 32(2):44-45.

0310. Romero, A. & A. Mayayo. 1993a. Desechos sólidos.  Buzón, El Correo de Los Andes, 21 Marzo 1993, pp. 4-5.

0311. Romero, A. & A. Mayayo. 1993b. Los desechos tóxicos en Venezuela.  Buzón, El Correo de Los Andes, 28 Marzo 1993, p. 4.

0312. Romero, A. & A. Mayayo. 1993c. Contaminación de las aguas.  Buzón, El Correo de Los Andes, 4 Abril 1993, p. 4.

0313. Romero, A. 1993e. Los tiburones también se extinguen.  Caza Pesca (355):57-60.

0314. Romero, A. 1993f. Tabaco, ambiente y salud. La situación en Venezuela y el mundo. Caracas: Bioma, 16 pp. [Reprinted in Ambiente Agrícola, Suplemento Agrícola de El Vigilante (Mérida), 2(6)4:2-6].

0315. Romero, A. & R. Prato. 1993. Plomo: el enemigo invisible. La contaminación por plomo en Venezuela. Caracas: Bioma, 51 pp.

0316. Romero, A. & A. Mayayo. 1993d. Ética ambiental.  El Vigilante (Mérida), 28 Junio 1993, p. 7.

0317. Romero, A. & I.A. Agudo. 1993. Conservación de Cetáceos en Venezuela. Informe 1993. Caracas: Bioma – Fundacetácea, 50 pp.

0318. Romero, A. 1993g. Venezuela y su encrucijada ambiental.  El Guayanés (Ciudad Guayana), 10 Octubre 1993, p. A-5 [Reprinted in Vuelta al Mundo 1(1):12-14 (Octubre 93)].

0319. Romero, A. 1993h. El Día del Delfín, Parte II.  El Universal (Encarte) 23 Octubre 1993.

0320. Romero, A. 1993i. Venezuela: Mágico país de la biodiversidad. Caracas: Colegial Bolivariana, 55 pp.


0321. Romero, A. 1994. Vida Verde. Barcelona, Spain: Apóstrofe, 199 pp.


0322. Romero, A., A. I. Agudo & S. M. Green. 1993. Exploitation of cetaceans in Venezuela. Pp. 98-98, In: Eleventh Biennial Conference on the Biology of Marine Mammals. Abstracts. 14-18 December 1995, Orlando, Florida (abstract).


0323. Agudo, A. I. & A. Romero 1996. Catalogo dos cetaceos de Venezuela (America do Sur) depositados en museos e coleccions bioloxicas nacionais e estranxeiras.  Eubalaena (8):14-24.

0324. Romero, A. 1996. The environmental impact of leaded gasoline in Venezuela.  Journal of Environment and Development 5(4):434-438.


0325. Romero, A., A. I. Agudo & S. J. Blondell. 1997. The scientific discovery of the Amazon river dolphin Inia geoffrensis.  Marine Mammal Science 13(3):419-426.

0326. Green, S. & A. Romero. 1997. Responses to light in two blind cave fishes (Amblyopsis spelaea and Typhlichthys subterraneus) (Pisces: Amblyopsidae).  Environmental Biology of Fishes 50(2):167-174.

0327. Romero, A. 1997. Las Plantas del Mundo en la Historia. (Book Review in English).  Isis 88(4):699-700.

0328. Romero, A.; I. Agudo & S. Green. 1997. Exploitation of cetaceans in Venezuela.  Reports of the International Whaling Commission 47:735-746.


0329. Romero, A. & L. Bennis. 1998. Threatened fishes of the world: Amblyopsis spelaea De Kay, 1842 (Amblyopsidae).  Environmental Biology of Fishes 51(4):420-420.

0330. Romero, A. 1998a. Threatened fishes of the world: Amblyopsis rosae (Eigenmann, 1842) (Amblyopsidae).  Environmental Biology of Fishes 52(4):434-434.

0331. Romero, A. 1998b. Threatened fishes of the world: Typhlichthys subterraneus Girard, 1860 (Amblyopsidae).  Environmental Biology of Fishes 53(1):74-74.

0332. Romero, A. 1998c. Threatened fishes of the world: Speoplatyrhinus poulsoni Cooper and Kuehne, 1974 (Amblyopsidae).  Environmental Biology of Fishes 53(3):293-294.


0333. Romero, A. 1999a. The whales have not been saved.  Meadowlark (Spring):15-16.

0334. Romero, A. 1999b. Environmental studies: Here, there, and everywhere. Colloquy 16(2):9-11.

0335. Romero, A. 1999c. The blind cave fish that never was.  National Speleological Society  News 57(6):180-181.

0336. Romero, A. 1999d. Useless abilities.  New Scientist 162(2190):54-55.

0337. Romero, A. 1999e. There’s is More to Biology Than Molecules.  The Chronicle of Higher Education 46(5):B12-B13, (24 September 1999).

0338. Romero, A. 1999f. Myth and reality of the alleged blind cave fish from Pennsylvania. Journal of Spelean History 33(4):67-75.

0339. Romero, A. & Andrea Romero. 1999. Cope, Caves, and Skeletons in the Closet.  National Speleological Society News 57(11):341-343.

0340. Romero, A., A. I. Agudo, S. M. Green, & G. Notarbartolo di Sciara. 1999. Recent cetaceans of Venezuela: their distribution and conservation status. pp.:161-162, In: 13th Biennial Conference on the Biology of Marine Mammals. November 28-December 3, 1999, Wailea, Maui, Hawaii (abstract).

0341. Romero, A. 1999g. So, how green is your label? Meadowlark. Fall 1999:26-28.

0342. Romero, A., S. Chilbert & M. G. Eisenhart. 1999 (Published September 2000). Cubagua’s pearl-oyster beds: the first depletion of a natural resource caused by Europeans in the American continent.  Journal of Political Ecology 6:57-78.


0343. Romero, A. 2000a. The speleologist who wrote too much.  National Speleological Society News 58(1):4-5.

0344. Romero, A. 2000b. Marine mammals: a course companion, Vol. 1. St. Paul, MN, Macalester College, 154 pp.

0345. Romero, A. & P. B. S. Vanselow. 2000a. Threatened fishes of the world: Milyeringa veritas Whitley, 1945 (Eleotridae).  Environmental Biology of Fishes 57(1): 36-36.

0346. Romero, A. 2000c. Marine mammals: a course companion, Vol. 2. St. Paul, MN, Macalester College, 154 pp.

0347. Romero, A. & A. McLeran. 2000. Threatened fishes of the world: Stygichthys typhlops Brittan & Böhlke 1965 (Characidae).  Environmental Biology of Fishes 57(3):270-270.

0348. Romero, A. 2000d. Francisco Pelayo. Del diluvio al megaterio: Los orígenes de la paleontología en España (Book review in English).  Isis 91(1):134-135.

0349. Romero, A. & K. Benz. 2000. The unsung heroes of speleology.  National Speleological Society News 58(4):106, 126.

0350. Romero, A. 2000e. Marine mammals: a course companion, Vol. 3. St. Paul, MN, Macalester College, 95 pp.

0351. Romero, A. 2000f. Should Venezuelan botos be imported into the U.S.?  WhaleWatcher 32(1):13-15.

0352. Romero, A. 2000g. We need to color our environment.  Tapestry. Spring 2000:4-4.

0353. Romero, A. 2000h. The total environmentalist.  Meadowlark. Spring 2000:27-30.

0354. Romero, A., M. Brandt, P. Vanselow, & J. Creswell. 2000. Not all are created equal: an analysis of the environmentally-related programs/departments in U.S. academic institutions until December 1999. Macalester Environmental Review (

0355. Romero, A. & P. B. S. Vanselow. 2000b. Threatened fishes of the world: Ophisternon candidum (Mees 1962) (Synbranchidae).  Environmental Biology of Fishes 58(2):214-214.

0356. Romero, A. & J. Creswell. 2000a. Eyes wide open: The “eyeless” cave fish of Trinidad, W.I. is not blind. pp. 314-314, In: Program Book and Abstracts of the 80th Annual Meeting of the American Society of Ichthyologists and Herpetologists. La Paz, B.C.S., México, June 14-20, 2000 (abstract).

0357. Romero, A., A. I. Agudo, & C. Salazar. 2000a. Whale shark records and conservation status in Venezuela. pp. 315-315, In: Program Book and Abstracts of the 80th Annual Meeting of the American Society of Ichthyologists and Herpetologists. La Paz, B.C.S., México, June 14-20, 2000, (abstract).

0358. Romero, A. 2000i. Greening Hands: Teaching Research and Professional Skills in Environmental Studies. pp. 27-27, In: Abstracts of the Council on Undergraduate Research 8th National. Conference. Wooster, Ohio, June 22-24, 2000, (abstract).

0359. Romero, A. & J. Creswell. 2000b. Eyes wide open: the “eyeless” cave fish of Trinidad is not blind. pp. A2-A2, In: National Speleological Society Convention 2000, Elkins and Dailey, WV, June 26-30, 2000 (abstract).

0360. Romero, A. & Z. Lomax. 2000a. The cave fish calendar: establishing the precise chronology of early discoveries of cave fishes. pp. A31-A31, In: National Speleological Society Convention 2000, Elkins and Dailey, WV, June 26-30, 2000 (abstract).

0361. Romero, A. 2000j. Disproving a negative: the alleged blind cave fish from Pennsylvania never existed. pp. A32-A32, In: National Speleological Society Convention 2000, Elkins and Dailey, WV, June 26-30, 2000, (abstract).

0362. Romero, A.; A. I. Agudo & C. Salazar. 2000. Whale shark records and conservation status in Venezuela.  Biodiversity, Journal of Life on Earth 3(1):11-15.

0363. Romero, A. & R. Rogers. 2000. Evolution, extinction, and the pending environmental crisis. Colloquy (October): 16-16.

0364. Romero, A. & J. Creswell. 2000c. In search of the elusive “eyeless” cave fish of Trinidad, W.I.  National Speleological Society News 58(10):282-283.

0365. Romero, A. & K. Hayford. 2000. Past and Present Utilization of Marine Mammals in Grenada.  Journal of Cetacean Research and Management 2(3):223-226.

0366. Romero, A. & J. Creswell. 2000d. Eyes wide open: the “eyeless” cave fish of Trinidad is not blind.  Journal of Cave and Karst Studies 62(3):188-188 (abstract).

0367. Romero, A. 2000k. Disproving a negative: the alleged blind cave fish from Pennsylvania never existed.  Journal of Cave and Karst Studies 62(3):200-200 (abstract).

0368. Romero, A. & Z. Lomax. 2000d. The cavefish calendar: establishing the precise chronology of early discoveries of cave fishes.  Journal of Cave and Karst Studies 62(3):200-200 (abstract).

0369. Romero, A. & Z. Lomax. 2000e. Jacques Besson, Cave eels and other alleged European fishes.  Journal of Spelean History 34(2):72-77.

0370. Romero, A. & Z. Lomax. 2000f. The cavefish calendar: establishing the precise chronology of early discoveries of cave fishes.  Journal of Spelean History 34(2):83-83 (abstract).

0371. Romero, A. 2000l. Disproving a negative: the alleged blind cave fish from Pennsylvania never existed.  Journal of Spelean History 34(2):84-84 (abstract).


0372. Romero, A. 2001a. Evolution is opportunistic, not directional.  BioScience 51(1):2-3.

0373. Romero, A.; A. I. Agudo, S. M. Green & G. Notarbartolo di Sciara.  2001.  Cetaceans of Venezuela: Their Distribution and Conservation Status.  National Oceanographic and Atmospheric Administration Technical Reports NOAA Technical Report NMFS 151:1-64.

0374. Romero, A. 2001b. What is environmental literacy? (Book Review) Macalester Environmental Review (

0375. Romero, A. 2001c. Cubagua’s Pearl-Oyster Beds: The First Depletion of a Natural Resource Caused by Europeans in the American Continent. pp. 23-23, In: Making Environmental History Relevant in the 21st Century, Conference Program, March 28 – April 1, Durham, NC (abstract).

0376. Romero, A. 2001d. Avoiding the Cast Away Syndrome: Teaching Skills in Environmental Studies. P. 9. In: Classrooms of the Future VII. Program, Wednesday, May 23. Minneapolis Campus, University of St. Thomas (abstract).

0377. Romero A. & K. M. Paulson. 2001a. Humboldt’s alleged subterranean fish from Ecuador. Journal of Spelean History 36(2):56-59.

0378. Romero, A. & K. M. Paulson. 2001b. Scales not necessary: the evolution of scalelessness among troglomorphic fishes. p. 114, In: Program Book and Abstract, Joint Meeting of Ichthyologists and Herpetologists. 81st Annual Meeting of the American Society of Ichthyologists and Herpetologists. State College, Pennsylvania, July 5-10, 2001 (abstract).

0379. Romero, A., S. M. Green, Andrea Romero, W. R. Jeffery & Y. Yamamoto. 2001. One eye but no vision: blind cave Astyanax fasciatus with regenerated eyes do not respond to light. p. 114, In: Program Book and Abstract, Joint Meeting of Ichthyologists and Herpetologists. 81st Annual Meeting of the American Society of Ichthyologists and Herpetologists. State College, Pennsylvania, July 5-10, 2001 (abstract).

0380. Romero, A., Andrea Romero, M. N. Lelonek, K. C. Stropnicky, S. M. Green, W. R. Jeffery & Y. Yamamoto. 2001a. One eye but no vision: blind cave Astyanax fasciatus with regenerated eyes do not respond to light.  pp. 60-60, In: 2001 NSS Convention. A Cave Odyssey. July 23-27, 2001, Mount Vernon, Kentucky, Program Guide (abstract).

0381. Romero, A. & K. M. Paulson. 2001c. Unparalleled evolution: blindness, depigmentation, and scalelessness do not run hand in hand among troglomorphic fishes. pp. 64-64, In: 2001 NSS Convention. A Cave Odyssey. July 23-27, 2001, Mount Vernon, Kentucky, Program Guide (abstract).

0382. Romero, A., K. M. Paulson, J. E. Creswell, R. Baker, A. Singh, A. McKie & M. Manna. 2001. Replacement of the Troglomorphic Population of Rhamdia quelen (Pisces: Pimelodidae) by an Epigean Population of the Same Species in the Cumaca Cave, Trinidad, W.I. 2001 NSS Convention. pp. 66-66, In: A Cave Odyssey. July 23-27, 2001, Mount Vernon, Kentucky, Program Guide (abstract).

0383. Romero, A. 2001e. Scientists prefer them blind: a historiography of hypogean fish research. pp. 90-90, In: 2001 NSS Convention. A Cave Odyssey. July 23-27, 2001, Mount Vernon, Kentucky, Program Guide (abstract).

0384. Romero, A. 2001f. Cubagua’s pearl-oyster beds: the first depletion of a natural resource by Europeans in the Americas. p. 136-136, In: Abstracts, Society for Conservation Biology, 15th Annual Meeting, 29 July-1 August 2001, University of Hawaii, Hilo, Hawaii  (abstract).

0385. Romero, A., A. Singh, A. McKie, M. Manna, R. Baker & K.M. Paulson. 2001. Return to the Cumaca cave, Trinidad, W.I.  National Speleological Society News 59(8):220-221.

0386. Romero, A. 2001g. Cubagua’s pearl-oyster beds: the first depletion of a natural resource by Europeans in the American continent. pp. 191-192, In: ESA 86th Annual Meeting Abstracts (abstract).

0387. Romero, A, A. Stern & K. Benz 2001. Not All Are Created Equal: an Analysis of the Environmental Programs/Departments in U.S. Academic Institutions until March 2001.  Macalester Environmental Review (

0388. Romero, A. 2001h (Ed.). The Biology of Hypogean Fishes. Developments in Environmental Biology of Fishes, Volume 21 [Reprinted from Environmental Biology of Fishes 62:(1-3)].

0389. Romero, A. 2001i. An introduction to the special volume on the biology of hypogean fishes. Environmental Biology of Fishes 62(1-3):7-12.

0390. Romero, A. & K. M. Paulson. 2001d. It’s a wonderful hypogean life: a guide to the troglomorphic fishes of the world.  Environmental Biology of Fishes 62(1-3):13-41.

0391. Romero, A. 2001j. Scientists prefer them blind: The history of hypogean fish research.  Environmental Biology of Fishes 62(1-3):43-71.

0392. Proudlove, G. S. & A. Romero. 2001. Threatened fishes of the world: Caecobarbus geertsi Boulenger, 1921 (Cyprinidae).  Environmental Biology of Fishes 62(1-3): 238-238.

0393. Romero, A. 2001k. Academic claims unfounded [Reply to Salmen].  MacWeekly 94(10):6 (November 16).

0394. Creswell, J. E. & A. Romero. 2001. Comparative analysis of marine mammal utilization in the southeastern Caribbean. p. 49, In: Abstracts, 14th Biennial Conference on the Biology of Marine Mammals, Vancouver, Canada, November 28-December 3, 2001 (abstract).

0395. Romero, A. & K. Hayford. 2001. Past and present utilization of marine mammals in Grenada, W.I., p.182, In: Abstracts, 14th Biennial Conference on the Biology of Marine Mammals, Vancouver, Canada, November 28-December 3, 2001 (abstract).

0396. Romero, Andrea; Aldemaro Romero, J. Romero & K. Hayford. 2001. The Marine Mammals of Grenada, W.I.: Biogeographical Implications for the Eastern Caribbean. p. 182, InAbstracts, 14th Biennial Conference on the Biology of Marine Mammals, Vancouver, Canada, November 28-December 3, 2001 (abstract).

0397. Romero, A. 2001l. What should we be teaching students of color in the natural sciences? Colloquy (December): 1-3.

0398. Romero, A. & K. M. Paulson. 2001e. Unparalleled evolution: blindness, depigmentation, and scalelessness do not run hand in hand among troglomorphic fishes.  Journal of Cave and Karst Studies 63(3):108-109 (abstract).

0399. Romero, A., Andrea Romero, M. N. Lelonek, K. C. Stropnicky, S. M. Green, W.R. Jeffery, & Y. Yamamoto. 2001b. One eye but no vision: blind cave Astyanax fasciatus with regenerated eyes do not respond to light.  Journal of Cave and Karst Studies 63(3):109- 109 (abstract).

0400. Romero, A. 2001m. Scientists prefer them blind: a historiography of hypogean fish research.  Journal of Cave and Karst Studies 63(3):116-116 (abstract).


0401. Romero, A. 2002a. Between the first blind cave fish and the Last of the Mohicans: the scientific romanticism of James E. DeKay.  Journal of Spelean History 36(1): 19-29.

0402. Romero, A. & H. Eastwood. 2002. Not All Are Created Equal: An Analysis of the Environmental Programs/ Departments in U.S. Academic Institutions until March 2002. Macalester Environmental Review (

0403. Romero, A. 2002b. How green is my campus? Environmental audits as a teaching tool in Environmental Studies. P. 10, In: Classrooms of the Future VIII, Hamline University, St. Paul, MN, May 22, 2002 (abstract).

0404. Romero, A.; W.R. Jeffery, Y. Yamamoto. 2002a. When cave fish see the light: reaction norm to light exposure during development in epigean, troglomorphic, and hybrids of Astyanax fasciatus (Characidae). pp. A-2/A-3, In: 2002 NSS Convention, June 24-28, Camden, Maine (abstract).

0405. Romero, A. 2002c. Between the blind cave fish and the Last of the Mohicans: the scientific romanticism of James. E. DeKay. p. A-32, In: 2002 NSS Convention, June 24-28, Camden, Maine (abstract).

0406. Romero, A. 2002d. The life and work of a little known biospeleologist: Theodor Tellkampf. Journal of Spelean History 36(2):68-76.

0407. Romero, A.; W.R. Jeffery, Y. Yamamoto. 2002b. When cave fish see the light: reaction norm to light exposure during development in epigean, troglomorphic, and hybrids of Astyanax fasciatus (Characidae). Program Book and Abstracts. Joint Meeting of Ichthyologists and Herpetologists. Kansas City, Missouri (abstract).

0408. Romero, A., R. Baker, J. E. Creswell, A. Singh, A. McKie & M. Manna. 2002. Environmental history of marine mammal exploitation in Trinidad and Tobago, W.I. and its ecological impact.  Environment and History 8(3):255-274.

0409. Romero, A. 2002e. A reflection upon the Socratic Oath as a faculty.  The MacWeekly 95(1):6 (September 13, 2002).

0410. Romero, A. 2002f. Interdisciplinary programs are in vogue, but are they “scholarly?” Colloquy 2002 (November):4-7.

0411. Romero, A.; W.R. Jeffery, Y. Yamamoto. 2002c. When cave fish see the light: reaction norm to light exposure during development in epigean, troglomorphic, and hybrids of Astyanax fasciatus (Characidae).  Journal of Cave and Karst Studies 64(3):181-181 (abstract).

0412. Romero, A., K. Hayford, Andrea Romero & J. Romero.  2002. The marine mammals of Grenada: Their distribution and conservation status.  Mammalia 66(4):479-494.

0413. Romero, A., A. Singh, A. McKie, M. Manna, R. Baker, K. M. Paulson, & J. E. Creswell. 2002. Replacement of the Troglomorphic Population of Rhamdia quelen (Pisces: Pimelodidae) by an Epigean Population of the Same Species in the Cumaca Cave, Trinidad, West Indies.  Copeia 2002(4):938-942.


0414. Romero, A. 2003a. The dream is alive … and well.  Environmental Studies Newsletter 18(1).

0415. Romero, A. 2003b. Quo Vadis Environmental Studies?  Macalester Environmental Review (

0416. Romero, A & C. Jones. 2003. Not All Are Created Equal: An Analysis of the Environmental Programs/Departments in U.S. Academic Institutions until May 2003. Macalester Environmental Review (

0417. Romero, A. 2003c. The President and Provost working in tandem.  The Chronicle of Higher Education 49(38):B18.

0418. Romero, A. & J. Creswell. 2003. In the land of the mermaid: how culture, not ecology, influenced marine mammal exploitation in the southeastern Caribbean. 17th Annual Meeting of the Society for Conservation Biology 28 June – 2 July 2003; Duluth, Minnesota, USA (CD-ROM) (abstract).

0419. Romero, A., S. M. Green, Andrea Romero, W.R. Jeffery, Y. Yamamoto, M. Lelonek & K.C. Stropnicky. 2003. Cave fish with induced eyes and retinotectal projections do not respond to light. 2003 Joint Meeting of Ichthyologists and Herpetologists 26 June – 1 July 2003 (CD-ROM) (abstract).

0420. Sakazaki, M. & A. Romero. 2003. Young and unmoved: no responses to light among juvenile cave, surface, and hybrid Astyanax fasciatus. 2003 Joint Meeting of Ichthyologists and Herpetologists 26 June – 1 July 2003 (CD-ROM) (abstract).

0421. Nalle, S.C. & A. Romero. 2003. In caves the sun also rises: circadian rhythms among cave, surface, and hybrid Astyanax fasciatus. 2003 Joint Meeting of Ichthyologists and Herpetologists 26 June – 1 July 2003 (CD-ROM) (abstract).

0422. Romero, A. 2003d. Anguilliformes (eels and morays), pp. 255-270, In: Grzimek’s Animal Life Encyclopedia, 2nd. Edition, Vol. 4, Fishes I., (M. Hutchins, D.A. Thoney,P.V. Loiselle, and N. Schlager, Eds.). Farmington Hills, MI: Gale Group.

0423. Romero, A. 2003e. Cypriniformes II (Loaches and relatives), pp. 321-334, In: Grzimek’s Animal Life Encyclopedia, 2nd. Edition, Vol. 4, Fishes I., (M. Hutchins, D.A. Thoney, P.V. Loiselle, and N. Schlager, Eds.).  Farmington Hills, MI: Gale Group.

0424. Romero, A. 2003f. Salmoniformes (Salmons), pp. 405-420, In: Grzimek’s Animal Life Encyclopedia, 2nd. Edition, Vol. 4, Fishes I., (M. Hutchins, D.A. Thoney, P.V. Loiselle, and N. Schlager, Eds.). Farmington Hills, MI: Gale Group.

0425. Romero, A. 2003g. Percopsiformes (troutperchers and relatives), pp. 5-13, In: Grzimek’s Animal Life Encyclopedia, 2nd. Edition, Vol. 5, Fishes II, (M. Hutchins, D.A. Thoney, P.V. Loiselle, and N. Schlager,  Eds.). Farmington Hills, MI: Gale Group.

0426. Romero, A. 2003h. Synbranchiformes (swamp and spiny eels), pp. 151-156, In: Grzimek’s Animal Life Encyclopedia, 2nd. Edition, Vol. 5, Fishes II, (M. Hutchins, D.A. Thoney, P.V. Loiselle, and N. Schlager, Eds.).  Farmington Hills, MI: Gale Group.

0427. Romero, A. 2003i. Death and taxes: The case of the depletion of pearl oyster beds in sixteenth-century Venezuela.  Conservation Biology 17(4):1-12.

0428. Romero, A., S. M. Green, Andrea Romero, M. M. Lelonek & K. C. Stropnick. 2003. One eye but no vision: troglomorphic Astyanax fasciatus (Pisces: Characidae) with induced eyes do not respond to light.  Journal of Experimental Zoology (Molecular and Developmental Evolution) 300B(1):72-79.


0429. Romero, A.  2004a. Adaptation: Behavioural.  pp. 3-4, In: J. Gunn, Ed.  Encyclopedia of Cave and Karst Science. New York: Fitzroy Dearborn.

0430. Romero, A.  2004b. Biospeleologists. pp. 151-154, In: J. Gunn, Ed. Encyclopedia of Cave and Karst Science. New York: Fitzroy Dearborn.

0431. Romero, A.  2004c. Evolution of hypogean fauna. pp. 347-349, In: J. Gunn, Ed. Encyclopedia of Cave and Karst Science. New York: Fitzroy Dearborn.

0432. Romero, A.  2004d. Pisces (Fishes): Amblyopsidae. pp. 595-597, In: J. Gunn, Ed. Encyclopedia of Cave and Karst Science. New York: Fitzroy Dearborn.


0433. Romero, A. & J. S. Woodward. 2005a. On white fish and black men: did Stephen Bishop really discover the blind cave fish of Mammoth Cave?  Journal of Spelean History 39(1):23-32.

0434. Romero, A. & S.M. Green. 2005. The end of regressive evolution: examining and interpreting the evidence from cave fishesJournal of Fish Biology 67(1):3-32.

0435. Romero, A. & J. S. Woodward. 2005b. On White Fish and Black Men: Did Stephen Bishop Really Discover the Blind Cave Fish of Mammoth Cave? pp. 105- 106, In: From Outer Space to Inner Space. 2005 National Speleological Society Convention Program Guide. J. Pinkley (Ed.). Huntsville, AL: National Speleological Society.

0436. Romero, A. & J. S. Woodward. 2005c. On white fish and black men: did Stephen Bishop really discover the blind cave fish of Mammoth Cave?  Journal of Spelean History 39(2):65-65.

0437. Romero, A. & J. Bednarz. 2005. Quest for the ‘holy grail bird’. Discovery of the ivory-billed woodpecker brings Arkansas unprecedented attention.  The Jonesboro Sun 102(190):B1, B4. 9 July 2005.

0438.  Romero, A. 2005a. Blind cave fishes providing important clues to human blindness.  The Jonesboro Sun 102(219): A8. 7 August 2005.

0439. Romero, A. & M. Huss. 2005. As puffball season approaches, it pays to know your  mushroom.  The Jonesboro Sun 102(226):A8-A9. 14 August 2005.

0440. McKay, T. & A. Romero. 2005. Tiger beetles common during summer months.  The Jonesboro Sun 102(232):A8-A9. 21 August 2005.

0441. Romero, A. & T. S. Risch. 2005. Flying squirrel is seldom seen, often misunderstood member of Arkansas wildlife.  The Jonesboro Sun 102(261):A8-A9. 18 September 2005.

0442. Romero, A., R. R. Rogers & J. Seguí. 2005. On the evolutionary significance of the Paleocyphonautidae: How fossils and larvae impact evolutionary reconstructions. Batalleria 12:149-154.

0443. Romero, A. & A. D. Christian. 2005. Mussels have plenty to say about state of environment.  The Jonesboro Sun 102(267):B1, B4. 24 September 2005.

0444. Romero, A. & D. Gilmore. 2005. Discovery shook medical, pharmaceutical industries.  The Jonesboro Sun 102 (277):A10. 4 October 2005.

0445. Romero, A. & S.D. Allen. 2005. Applications of discoveries range from leveling rice fields to anti-terrorism defenses.  The Jonesboro Sun 102(278):C8.

0446. Romero, A. & M.J. Panigot. 2005. Metathesis key in production of pharmaceuticals, plastics.  The Jonesboro Sun 102(279):C8.

0447. Romero, A. & S. West. 2005a. (Eds.). Environmental Issues in Latin America and the Caribbean. Dordrecht: Springer.

0448. Romero, A. & S. West. 2005b. Preface, pp. xv-xx, In: Romero, A. & S. West (Eds.). Environmental Issues in Latin America and the Caribbean. Dordrecht: Springer.

0449. Romero, A. & J. Creswell. 2005a. In the land of the mermaid: how culture, not ecology, influenced marine mammal exploitation in the Southeastern Caribbean, pp. 3-20, In: Romero, A. & S. West (Eds.). Environmental Issues in Latin America and the Caribbean. Dordrecht: Springer.

0450. Romero, A. & J. M. Loutsch. 2005. Bird flu risk still minimal.  The Jonesboro Sun 102(295):B1, B4. 21 October 2005.

0451. Romero, A. 2005b. Dolphins learn by playing, ASU students learn on Florida trip.  The Jonesboro Sun 102 (324):A8. 20 November 2005.

0452. Romero, A. & J. S. Woodward. 2005d. On white fish and black men: did Stephen Bishop really discover the blind cave fish at Mammoth Cave?  Journal of Cave and Karst Studies 67(3):196-196 (abstract).

0453. Romero, A. 2005c. Researchers uncover black and white truth of cave fish discovery.  The Jonesboro Sun 102(338):A8-A9. 4 December 2004.

0454. Kannada, S. & A. Romero. 2005. Past and present distribution of marine mammals in the Caribbean: a historical analysis of causes and consequences, p. 146, In: 16th Biennial Conference on the Biology of Marine Mammals, San Diego, CA, USA, 12-16 December 2005.

0455. McKie, A., A. Romero & S.D. Kannada. 2005. The power of whaling: why historical data is direct evidence of past population sizes, pp. 168-169, In: 16th Biennial Conference on the Biology of Marine Mammals, San Diego, CA, USA, 12-16 December 2005.

0456. Romero, A. 2005d. Until the whales were gone: an environmental history of whaling in Bermuda, p. 241, In: 16th Biennial Conference on the Biology of Marine Mammals, San Diego, CA, USA, 12-16 December 2005.

0457. Romero, Andrea, S.D. Kannada & A. Romero. 2005. Why Cetaceans Stopped Being Fish and Became Mammals: An Analytical Interpretation of Biological Thought from Aristotle to Linnaeus, pp. 241-242, In: 16th Biennial Conference on the Biology of Marine Mammals, San Diego, CA, USA, 12-16 December 2005.

0458. Torres Mercado, J. & A. Romero. 2005. Lost in Migration: Lack of correlation between geomagnetic anomalies and cetacean strandings in the Caribbean, p. 282, In: 16th Biennial Conference on the Biology of Marine Mammals, San Diego, CA, USA, 12-16 December 2005.

0459. Romero, A. & A. T. Sustich. 2005. Scientists seeking to identify skull as that of CopernicusThe Jonesboro Sun 102(352):A8-A9.18 December 2005.


0460. Romero, A. & T. McKay. 2006a. Scorpions’ bad rap dates to prehistoric times.  The Jonesboro Sun 103(3):A7. 3 January 2006.

0461. Romero, A. & D. Gilmore. 2006. Whales and dolphins can have stomach ulcers, too.  The Jonesboro Sun 103(29):A8-A9. 29 January 2006.

0462. Romero, A. & P. Silveri. 2006. Not all are created equal: an analysis of the environmental programs/departments in U.S. academic institutions from 1900 until May 2005.  Journal of Integrative Biosciences 1(1):1-15. 1 February 2006.

0463. Romero, A. & J. Loutsch. 2006. New vaccines effective against Rotavirus.  The Jonesboro Sun 103(57):A8-A9. 26 February 2006.

0464. Romero, A. & S. Kannada. 2006a. Researchers discover fossil of beaver-like animal in China.  The Jonesboro Sun 103(72):A7. 13 March 2006.

0465. Romero, A. & A. L. Christian. 2006a. World’s smallest fish discovered on Indonesian island. The Jonesboro Sun 103 (106):A8-A9. 16 April 2006.

0466.  Romero, A., T. McKay, T. Risch & S. Trauth. 2006. Biodiversity Center Project at Arkansas State University, p. 58, In: The road to productive partnerships.  The 21st. Annual Meeting of the Society for the Preservation of Natural History Collections and the Natural Science Collections Alliance 2006 Annual Meeting. Albuquerque, New Mexico. 23-27 May 2006.

0467. Romero, A. 2006a. ASU students play dolphin name game.  The Jonesboro Sun 103(148):A8-A9. 28 May 2006.

0468. Romero, A. 2006b. Steven Palmer. From Popular Medicine to Medical Populism: Doctors, Healers, and Public Power in Costa Rica, 1800-1940.  Isis 97(2):369-370.

0469. Romero, A. & S.D. Kannada. 2006b. Comment on “Genetic analysis of 16th-century whale bones prompts a revision of the impact of Basque whaling on right and bowhead whales in the western North Atlantic”.  Canadian Journal of Zoology 84(7):1059-1065.

0470. Romero, A. 2006c. ASU’s best-kept secret: Half-million plant and animal specimens.  The Jonesboro Sun 103(196):B1, B3. 15 July 2006.

0471. Romero, A. & T. McKay. 2006b. Ants said to use ‘odometers’.  The Jonesboro Sun 103(204):A9. 23 July 2006.

0472. Romero, A. 2006d. ASU’s teaching biology lab incorporates sophisticated technologies, approaches.  The Jonesboro Sun 103(211):A9. 30 July 2006.

0473. Romero, A. 2006e. Group hosting roundtables to discuss changing deltas. ASU scholars joining top universities with experiment.  The Jonesboro Sun 103(225):A8. 13 August 2006.

0474. Romero, A. 2006f. Humboldt’s travels.  The New York Times 140(53684): Section 7 (Book Reviews):5. 27 August 2006.

0475. Romero, A. 2006g. A-State launches electronic journal of biological articles.  The Jonesboro Sun 103(253):A9. 10 September 2006.

0476. Romero, A. & T. McKay. 2006c. Ants can jump farther, faster than others.  The Jonesboro Sun 103(267):A9 24 September 2006.

0477. Romero, A. & A.D. Christian. 2006b. A-State faculty using ‘clickers’.  The Jonesboro Sun 103(274):A10. 1 October 2006.

0478. Romero, A. 2006h. History of Caribbean whaling is being written in Arkansas.  The Jonesboro Sun 103(294): B1, B4. 21 October 2006.

0479. Romero, A. 2006i. Manatee found in Mississippi River, then lost, remains mystery with experts.  The Jonesboro Sun 103(317):A6. 13 November 2006.

0480. Romero, A. & C. Young. 2006. Belize offers opportunities for A-State faculty, students. The Jonesboro Sun 103(337):A9. 3 December 2006.

0481. Romero, A. 2006j. 2006 proves to be year of achievements for A-State.  The Jonesboro Sun 103(358):A9. 31 December 2006.


0482. Romero, A. 2007a. Extinction of rare Chinese dolphin shows pollution of Yangtze River. The Jonesboro Sun 104(15):A7. 15 January 2007.

0483. Romero, A. & R. Hannigan. 2007. A-State plans to host World summit in 2008.  The Jonesboro Sun 104(21):A8-A9. 21 January 2007.

0484. Romero, A. & J. Trauth. 2006. A-State Biology faculty to publish adventure book.  The Jonesboro Sun 104(49):A8-A9. 18 February 2007.

0485. Romero, A. & M. Conner. 2007a. ASU to offer marine mammal course in Bahamas.  The Jonesboro Sun 104(77):A8. 18 March 2007.

0486. Romero, A. & J.M. Pratte. 2007a. A-state to celebrate Year of Science 2009 with several activities. Celebration will include whale dissection.  The Jonesboro Sun 104(84):A8-A9. 25 March 2007.

0487. Romero, A. & J. Anfinson. 2007. TV shows on science being produced by ASU.  The Jonesboro Sun 104(119):A8-A9. 29 April 2007.

0488. Romero, A. & S. Vanderpool. 2007. World notes biology icon as he turns 300 years old. The Jonesboro Sun 104(140):A8-A9. 20 May 2007.

0489. Romero, A. 2006b. (Published in 2007).  The big issue between science and religion: purpose vs. uncertainty.  Forum on Public Policy 2(4):867-881.

0490. Romero, A. 2007c. The discovery of the first Cuban blind cave fish: the untold storyJournal of Spelean History 41(131):16-22.

0491. Romero, A., A.R. Pearce & J.B. Zibluk. 2007. ASU course will teach scientists how to communicate their ideas.  The Jonesboro Sun 104(154):A8-A9. 3 June 2007. Reprinted in The Jonesboro Sun 104(162):A1-A2. 11 June 2007.

0492. Romero, A. & J.M. Pratte. 2007b. ASU plans ‘Science Flicks’.  The Jonesboro Sun 104(182):A8-A9. 1 July 2007.

0493. Romero, A. 2007d. Public understanding, perception of science concerns scientists.  The Jonesboro Sun 104(196):A8. 15 July 2007.

0494. Romero, A. & D. Gilmore. 2007. Scientists are urged to look for extraterrestrial life forms.  The Jonesboro Sun 104(203):A8-A9.  22 July 2007.

0495. Romero, A. & M. Conner. 2007b. Status Report for the Southern Cavefish, Typhlichthys subterraneus in Arkansas. Final Report. Submitted to the Arkansas Game and Fish Commission. Arkansas State University: State University. 37 pp.

0496. Romero, A. 2007e. The discovery of the first Cuban blind cave fish: the untold story. Pp. 126-127, In: V. McNamara (Ed.). 2007 National Speleological Society Convention Back Underground Indiana (July 23-27, 2007), Marengo, Indiana: Greyhound Press.

0497. Romero, A. 2007f. Arkansas’ aquatic cave fauna being threatened by pollution.  The Jonesboro Sun 104(210):A8. 29 July 2007.

0498. Romero, A.; D. Hayes and K. Mandrekar. 2007. New method used to research mollusks, cavefish.   The Jonesboro Sun 104(217):A8-A9. 5 August 2007.

0499. Romero, A. 2006 (published in 2007).  ‘More private gain than public good’: whale and ambergris exploitation in 17th-century Bermuda.  Bermuda Journal of Archaeology and Maritime History 17:5-27.

0500. Romero, A. 2007h. 50 years after Sputnik, for science education future is now.  The Jonesboro Sun 104(277):A5. 4 October 2007. (Editorial).

0501. Romero, A. & M. Conner. 2007c. Researchers scrutinize environmental programs in American academia.  The Jonesboro Sun 104(329):A8. 25 November 2007.

0502. Creswell, J.E. & A. Romero. 2007. Deplete locally, impact globally: environmental history of shore-whaling in Barbados, W.I. p. 11, In: The Society of Marine Mammalogy (Eds.).  17th Biennial Conference on the Biology of Marine Mammals. Cape Town, South Africa, 29 Nov. – 3 Dec. Abstracts (CD ROM) (abstract).

0503. Romero, A. & S.M. Green. 2007. Shifts in Yankee whaling practices in the Caribbean 1762-1921. p. 12, In:  The Society of Marine Mammalogy (Eds.).  17th Biennial Conference on the Biology of Marine Mammals. Cape Town, South Africa, 29 Nov. – 3 Dec. Abstracts (CD ROM) (abstract).

0504. Romero, A. 2007f. Study brings both good, bad news for higher education in Ark.  The Jonesboro Sun 104(350):A9. 16 December 2007.

0505. Romero, A.; J. Pratte & R. Hannigan. 2007. Science outreach wraps up big year.  The  Jonesboro Sun 104(364):A7. 30 December 2007.

0506. Parsons, E.C.M., A. Romero and S.D. Kannada, N.A. Rose. 2007. Whales and whaling, pp. 1947-1950, In: Encyclopedia of Environment and Society. P. Robbins, (Ed.). San Antonio, TX: Sage Publications.


0507.  Romero, A. & S. Kannada. 2008a. Comment on the second reply by Higdon to the comment by Romero and Kannada on “Genetic analysis of 16th-century whale bones prompts a revision of the impact of Basque whaling on right and bowhead whales in the western North Atlantic”.  Canadian Journal of Zoology 86(1):80-82.

0508. Romero, A. 2008a. YouTube proves recruiting, advertising tool for ASU.  The Jonesboro Sun 105(34):A8-A9. 3 February 2008.

0509. Romero, A. & J. Pratte. 2008a. Science exhibit at A-State slated to open on Monday.  The Jonesboro Sun 105(41):A8-A9. 11 February 2008.

0510. Romero, A. 2008b. State gets mixed grades on science engineering.  The Jonesboro Sun 105(55):A9. 24 February 2008.

0511. Romero, A. 2008c. ASU researchers investigate subterranean fishes of China.  The Jonesboro Sun 105(69):A8. 9 March 2008.

0512. Romero, A. 2008d. Typological thinking strikes again.  Environmental Biology of Fishes 81(3):359-363.

0513. Romero, A.; A.R. Pearce & J.B. Zibluk. 2008. A-State aims to improve science communication.  The Jonesboro Sun 105(76):A8-A9. 16 March 2008.

0514. Romero, A. & J. Trauth. 2008. Book slated on biologists’ adventures.  The Jonesboro Sun 105(111):A9. 20 April 2008.

0515. Trauth, J. & A. Romero. 2008 (Eds.).  Adventures of the wild: experiences from biologists from the Natural State. 160 pp. Fayetteville: The University of Arkansas Press.

0516. Romero, A. 2008e. Nobody’s dolphins, pp. 11-19, In: Trauth, J. & A. Romero (Eds.). Adventures of the wild: experiences from biologists from the Natural State. Fayetteville: University of Arkansas Press.

0517. Romero, A. 2008f. Cave biology: It’s not a job, it’s an adventure, pp. 123-134, In: Trauth, J. & A. Romero (Eds.). Adventures of the wild: experiences from biologists from the Natural State. Fayetteville: University of Arkansas Press.

0518. Romero, A. 2007g (published in 2008). The discovery of the first Cuban blind cave fish: the untold story.  Journal of Cave and Karst Studies 69(3):372.

0519. Romero, A. 2008h. Biological collections get international certification.  The Jonesboro  Sun 105(132):A9-A10. 11 May 2008.

0520. Romero, A.; A. Christian & R. Hannigan. 2008. ASU slated to host summit on environmental studies.  The Jonesboro Sun 105(139):A8. 18 May 2008.

0521. Romero, A. 2008i. Interdisciplinary scholarship: how to promote and sustain, p. 24, In: 2008 National Environmental Studies & Science Summit. Program with abstracts. Arkansas State University, Jonesboro, Arkansas, May 22-25, 2008.

0522. Romero, A. & J. Pratte. 2008b. ASU launches new course on science and HollywoodThe Jonesboro Sun 105(146):A8-A9. 18 May 2008.

0523. Romero, A. 2008j. Enrollment challenges could be facing country.  The Jonesboro Sun 105(153):A8-A9. 1 June 2008.

0524. Romero, A. & S.D. Kannada. 2008b. The Caribbean. Pp. 78-80, In: Encyclopedia of Tourism and Recreation in Marine Environments (M. Lück, Ed.). Oxfordshire, UK: CAB International.

0525. Romero, A. & S.D. Kannada. 2008c. Crustaceans. P. 130, In: Encyclopedia of Tourism and Recreation in Marine Environments (M. Lück, Ed.). Oxfordshire, UK: CAB International.

0526. Romero, A. & S.D. Kannada. 2008d. Columbus, Christopher. Pp. 163-164, InEncyclopedia of Tourism and Recreation in Marine Environments (M. Lück, Ed.). Oxfordshire, UK: CAB International.

0527. Romero, A. & S.D. Kannada. 2008e. Vespucci, Amerigo. P.170, In: Encyclopedia of Tourism and Recreation in Marine Environments (M. Lück, Ed.). Oxfordshire, UK: CAB International.

0528. Romero, A. & S.D. Kannada. 2008f. Manatee. P. 290-291, In: Encyclopedia of Tourism and Recreation in Marine Environments (M. Lück, Ed.). Oxfordshire, UK: CAB International.

0529. Romero, A. & S.D. Kannada. 2008g. Trade winds. P. 487, In: Encyclopedia of Tourism and Recreation in Marine Environments (M. Lück, Ed.). Oxfordshire, UK: CAB International.

0530. Romero, A. & S.D. Kannada. 2008h. Virgin Islands. Pp. 511-513, In: Encyclopedia of Tourism and Recreation in Marine Environments (M. Lück, Ed.). Oxfordshire, UK: CAB International.

0531. Romero, A. & S.D. Kannada. 2008i. West Indies. Pp. 532-533, In: Encyclopedia of Tourism and Recreation in Marine Environments (M. Lück, Ed.). Oxfordshire, UK: CAB International.

0532. Parsons, E.C.M., A. Romero, S.D. Kannada and N.A. Rose. 2008. Whaling. Pp. 542-543, In: Encyclopedia of Tourism and Recreation in Marine Environments (M. Lück, Ed.). Oxfordshire, UK: CAB International.

0533. Romero, A. 2008k. A-State students research species in Mammoth Cave.  The Jonesboro Sun 105(160):A8. 8 June 2008.

0534. Romero, A. 2008l. Fund-raising challenges on horizon for schools.  The Jonesboro Sun 105(174):A8-A9. 22 June 2008.

0535. Mandrekar, K., A. Romero, S. Trauth & D. Hayes. 2008. Morphological analysis of North American cave and swamp fish (Amblyopsidae), In: 2008 Joint Meeting of Ichthyologists and Herpetologists Abstracts CD. 23-28 July, 2008. Montreal, Canada. Abstract 0635.

0536. Romero, A., M. Conner & G. Vaughan. 2008. The conservation status of the southern cavefish Typhlichthys subterraneus in Arkansas, In: Joint Meeting of Ichthyologists and Herpetologists Abstracts CD. 23-28 July, 2008. Montreal, Canada. Abstract 0022.

0537. Romero, A., Y. Zhao & X. Chen. 2008. The hypogean fishes of China, In: Joint Meeting of Ichthyologists and Herpetologists Abstracts CD. 23-28 July, 2008. Montreal, Canada. Abstract 0187.

0538. Romero, A. 2008m. Piranhas’ arrival in Arkansas possible, but not probable.  The Jonesboro Sun 105(209):A8-A9. 27 July 2008.

0539. Romero, A. 2008n. The conservation status of the southern cavefish, Typhlichthys subterraneus, in Arkansas, p. 22, In: Arkansas Wildlife Action Plan. Arkansas Wildlife Action Plan Conference, September 4-5, 2008. Mount Magazine State Park Lodge (abstract).

0540. Romero, A. 2008o. Arkansas wildlife gets report card at conference.  The Jonesboro Sun 105(258):A8-A9. 14 September 2008.

0541. Romero, A. 2008p. A-State Biology Department sees new library dedicated.  The Jonesboro Sun 105(272):A10-A11. 28 September 2008.

0542. Romero, A. & K. Glover. 2008. ASU students study unusual cause of sea otter’s death.  The Jonesboro Sun 105(293):A8. 9 October 2008.

0543. Romero, A. 2008q. Advice for the new president.  The Jonesboro Sun 105(313):A4 (Editorial). 8 November 2008.

0544. Romero, A. & J. Pratte. 2008c. A-State slates activities for ’09 Year of Science.  The Jonesboro Sun 105(314): A8-A9. 9 November 2008.

0545. Horton, M., A. Romero, R. Buchanan, and R. Hannigan. 2008. Thermoelectrically cooled cryocell assisted LA-ICP-MS and liquid ICP-MS analysis of metals in kidney and liver samples from beached porpoise, p. 138, presented at the 2008 Federation of Analytical Chemistry and Spectroscopy Societies Meeting, Reno, NV, September 28-October 2, 2008 (abstract).

0546. Romero, A. 2008r. A-State offering students courses on marine mammals.  The Jonesboro Sun 105(320):A8. 16 November 2008.

0547. Romero, A. 2008s. Arkansas State University students prepare manatee exhibit.  The Jonesboro Sun 105(328):A8. 23 November 2008.

0548. Romero, A. 2008t. Between war and poverty: whaling in eighteenth century Bermuda.   Bermuda Journal of Archaeology and Maritime History 18:7-32.

0549. Romero, A. & M. Huss. 2008. ASU honors distinguished faculty member.  The Jonesboro Sun 105(349):A9. 14 December 2008.

0550. Romero, A. & J. Pratte. 2008d. A year to remember for science at A-StateThe Jonesboro Sun 105(363):A8-A9. 28 December 2008.


0551. Romero, A. 2009a.  The biology of marine mammals. Jonesboro: Arkansas State University, 497 pp.

0552. Romero, A. & K. Irwin. 2009.  Marine mammals laboratory manual. Jonesboro: Arkansas State University, 122 pp.

0553. Romero, A. 2009b. A-State celebrates contributions to science by Darwin, Lincoln.  The Jonesboro Sun 106(46):A8. 15 February 2009.

0554. Romero, A. 2009c. Biology Department to honor Larry HinckThe Jonesboro Sun 106(81):A8. 22 March 2009.

0555. Romero, A. 2009d. Academy honors two ASU professors.  The Jonesboro Sun 106(110):A8. 19 April 2009.

0556. Romero, A. 2009e. Erasmus Darwin’s Influence on His Grandson Charles. Science E- Letter 23 April 2009 (

0557. Romero, A. 2009f. Arkansas State University students examine Calif. seal.  The Jonesboro Sun 106(123):A8-A9. 3 May 2009.

0558. Romero, A. & M. Conner. 2009. Blind cave fish found in northern Ar. lake.  The Jonesboro Sun 106(137):A8. 17 May 2009.

0559. Irwin, K. & A. Romero. 2009. Evolution of troglomorphisms among hypogean fishes do not occur in parallel. In: Joint Meeting of Ichthyologists and Herpetologists.  89th annual meeting of the American Society of Ichthyologists and Herpetologists. Portland, Oregon. 22-27 July 2009. Pp. 313-314 (abstract).

0560. Romero, A. 2009g. Researcher finds new fossils in Spain.  The Jonesboro Sun 106(165):A8. 14 June 2009.

0561. Romero, A. 2009h. Cave Biology: Life in Darkness. 291 pp. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

0562. Romero, A. 2009i. Ozark Cavefish, a.k.a., Amblyopsis rosae. In: Encyclopedia of Arkansas History and Culture (In Press), electronic version at:

0563. Romero, A. 2009j. Southern Cavefish, a.k.a., Typhlichthys subterraneus. In: Encyclopedia of Arkansas History and Culture (In Press), electronic version at:

0564. Romero, A.; Y. Zhao & X. Chen. 2009. The hypogean fishes of China.  Environmental Biology of Fishes 86(1):211-278.

0565. Pearce, A.; A. Romero and J.B. Zibluk. 2009. An Interdisciplinary Approach to Science Communication Education: A Case Study, pp. 235-252, In: Kahlor, L.A. & P. Stout (Eds.). Communicating Science: New Agendas in Communication. Austin: The University of Texas Press.

0566. Noakes, D.L.G.; A. Romero, Y Zhao & Y Zhou. 2009. Chinese Fishes. Dordrecht: Springer. 278 pp. Series: Developments in Environmental Biology of Fishes, Volume 28 (Reprinted from Environmental Biology of Fishes 86:(1).

0567. Romero, A. 2009k. Chasing Fools’ Gold: Whaling in Nineteenth and Twentieth Century Bermuda.  Bermuda Journal of Archaeology and Maritime History 19:141-163.


0568. Romero, A. & J.E. Creswell. 2010. Deplete Locally, Impact Globally: Environmental history of shore-whaling in Barbados, W.I. The Open Conservation Biology Journal 4:19-27.

0569. LaFond, L., C. Berger & A. Romero. 2010. Adventures in the Academy: Professors in the Land of Lincoln and Beyond. Edwardsville: College of Arts and Sciences, SIUE.

0570. Romero, A. 2010. The invisible enemy, pp. 7-12, In: LaFond, L., C. Berger & A. Romero (Eds.). 2010. Adventures in the Academy: Professors in the Land of Lincoln and Beyond. Edwardsville: College of Arts and Sciences, SIUE.

0571. Stillion, B.D.; J.M. Pratte & A. Romero. 2010. Engagement at the theater: science in the cinema. Science Education and Civic Engagement: An International Journal 2(2):41-44.

0572. Romero, A. 2010a. National Academies, U.S., pp. 496-498. In: (S. Priest, Ed.). Encyclopedia of Science and Technology Communication. Los Angeles: Sage.

0573. Romero, A. 2010b. National Science Foundation, U.S., pp. 507-509, In: (S. Priest, Ed.). Encyclopedia of Science and Technology Communication.  Los Angeles: Sage.


0574. Romero, A. 2011a.  The evolution of cave lifeAmerican Scientist 99:144-151. March-April 2011.

0575. Romero, A. 2011b.  What happens when life goes wildThe Edwardsville Intelligencer 18 March 2011, p.3.

0576. Romero, A. 2011c.  Exodusters: the forgotten migration.  The Edwardsville Intelligencer 25 March 2011, p.3.

0577. Romero, A. 2011d.  When poetry can be beautiful and subversive.  The Edwardsville Intelligencer 1 April 2011, p.3.

0578. Romero, A. 2011e.  Teaching acting: not as simple as it looks. The Edwardsville Intelligencer 8 April 2011, p.3.

0579. Romero, A.; M.S. Conner & G.L. Vaughan 2010 (published in 2011).  Population status of the Southern Cavefish, Typhlichthys subterraneus in Arkansas.  Journal of the Arkansas Academy of Science 64:106-110.

0580. Romero, A. 2011f.  A view of the universe from SIUE’s campus.  The Edwardsville Intelligencer 15 April 2011, p.3.

0581. Romero, A., R. R. Rogers & L.A. Gershwin. 2011.  Medusoid cnidarians from the Montral-Alcover Lagerstätten (Triassic), Northeastern SpainBatalleria 16:50-57.

0582. Romero, A. 2011g.  SIUE sociologist studies government crime.  The Edwardsville Intelligencer 22 April 2011, p.3.

0583. Romero, A. 2011h.  The Tower of Babel keeps getting smaller.  The Edwardsville Intelligencer 29 April 2011, p.3.

0584. Romero, A. 2011i.  Myers: Stimulating minds, teaching artThe Edwardsville Intelligencer 6 May 2011, p.3.

0585. Romero, A. 2011j.  Cave controversy.  American Scientist 99(3):183-184.

0586. Romero, A. 2011k.  Brighter future on the way for batteries.  The Edwardsville Intelligencer 12 May 2011, p.3.

0587. Romero, A. 2011l.  Archaeology not much like Indiana Jones.  The Edwardsville Intelligencer 20 May 2011, p.3.

0588. Romero, A. 2011m.  Springer studies links between religions. The Edwardsville Intelligencer 27 May 2011, p.3.

0589. Romero, A. 2011n.  Associate professor makes mark composing. The Edwardsville Intelligencer 3 June 2011, p.3.

0590. Romero, A. 2011o.  Roofs of our homes may be green tomorrow.  The Edwardsville Intelligencer 10 June 2011, p.3.

0591. Romero, A. 2011p.  DeGarmo can explain the nuclear threat.  The Edwardsville Intelligencer 17 June 2011, p.3.

0592. Romero, A. 2011q.  War between north and south – in literature.  The Edwardsville Intelligencer 24 June 2011, p.3.

0593. Romero, A. 2011r.  Lana Hagan teaching acting a hard act to follow.  The Edwardsville Intelligencer 1 July 2011, p.3.

0594. Romero, A. 2011s.  Statistician recommends a dose of skepticism.  The Edwardsville Intelligencer 8 July 2011, p.3.

0595. Romero, A. 2011t.  SIUE’s Carr teaches tomorrow’s public servants.  The Edwardsville Intelligencer 15 July 2011, p.3.

0596. Romero, A. 2011u.  A fresh look at “O Captain…”  The Edwardsville Intelligencer 23 July 2011, p.3.

0597. Romero, A. 2011v.  Jarrell keeps dancing traditions alive at SIUEThe Edwardsville Intelligencer 29 July 2011, p.3.

0598. Romero, A. 2011w.  Peces cavernícolas.  Investigación y Ciencia (420):42-48.

0599. Romero, A. 2011x.  Dr. Faith Liebl works to explain what cells do.  The Edwardsville Intelligencer 5 August 2011, p.3.

0600. Romero, A. 2011y.  Dennis Mares has a clue about criminal gangs.  The Edwardsville Intelligencer 12 August 2011, p.3.

0601. Romero, A. 2011z.  Ruckh studies how we learn, teach and act.  The Edwardsville Intelligencer 19 August 2011, p.3.

0602. Romero, A. 2011aa.  Trumpet professor known for giving inspiration.  The Edwardsville Intelligencer 26 August 2011, p.3.

0603. Romero, A. 2011ab.  Physics professor leads research into laser uses.  The Edwardsville Intelligencer 2 September 2011, p.3.

0604. Pratte, J., B.D. Stillion & A. Romero. 2011.  Informal to formal: the evolution of an ISE project into a science course, In: SENCER Summer Institute 2011, July 21-25, 2011.  Indianapolis, IN. Booklet. (abstract).

0605. Romero, A. 2011ac.  Anthropologist sees how cultures use medicine.  The Edwardsville Intelligencer 9 September 2011, p.3.

0606. Romero, A. 2011ad.  SIUE prof finds Japanese culture enlighteningThe Edwardsville Intelligencer 16 September 2011, p.3.

0607. Romero, A. 2011ae. Arts & Issues chief Andree has had adventures.  The Edwardsville Intelligencer 23 September 2011, p.3.

0608. Romero, A. 2011af.  Gussie Klorer uses art to help children heal.  The Edwardsville Intelligencer 30 September 2011, p.3.

0609. Romero, A. 2011ag.  Professor finds history in our own backyards.  The Edwardsville Intelligencer 7 October 2011, p.3.

0610. Romero, A. 201ah.  Geography is not just for memorizing capitals.  The Edwardsville Intelligencer 14 October 2011, p.3.

0611. Romero, A. 2011ai.  Brett Stamps brings knowledge, passion to jazz.  The Edwardsville Intelligencer 21 October 2011, p.3.

0612. Romero, A. 2011aj.  McCraken knows ulcers and parasitic worms.  The Edwardsville Intelligencer 28 October 2011, p.3.

0613. Romero, A. 2011ak.  DenHouter concentrates energy on oil paintings.  The Edwardsville Intelligencer 5 November 2011, p.3.

0614. Romero, A. 2011al.  McGee teaches students art of persuasive writing.  The Edwardsville Intelligencer 11 November 2011, p.3.

0615. Romero, A. 2011am.  Neath studies, teaches the uncertainties of life.  The Edwardsville Intelligencer 18 November 2011, p.3.

0616. Romero, A. 2011an.  Theising tries to find ways to make cities better.  The Edwardsville Intelligencer 25 November 2011, p.3.

0617. Romero, A. 2011ao.  We no longer live in a one-language world.  The Edwardsville Intelligencer 2 December 2011, p.3.

0618. Romero, A. 2011ap.  Strand teaches the art of weaving in a new world.  The Edwardsville Intelligencer 9 December 2011, p.3.

0619. Romero, A. 2011aq.  Williams believes insects can teach us a lotThe Edwardsville Intelligencer 16 December 2011, p.3.

0620. Romero, A. 2011ar.  Shaw studies the geography of affluence.  The Edwardsville Intelligencer 23 December 2011, p.3.

0621. Romero, A. 2011as.  McClinton teaches sensitivity toward other cultures.  The Edwardsville Intelligencer 30 December 2011, p.3.


0622. Romero, A. 2012a.  Goebl-Parker administers cure with art therapy.  The Edwardsville Intelligencer 6 January 2012, p.3.

0623. Romero, A. 2012b.  De Meo carries on tradition of teaching chemistry.  The Edwardsville Intelligencer 13 January 2012, p.3.

0624. Romero, A. 2012c.  Rehg studies monkeys to better understand humans.  The Edwardsville Intelligencer 20 January 2012, p.3.

0625. Romero, A. 2012d.  Fields attempting to rescue indigenous traditions.  The Edwardsville Intelligencer 27 January 2012, p.3.

0626. Romero, A. 2012e.  Hanson brings realism to theater productions.  The Edwardsville Intelligencer 3 February 2012, p.3.

0627. Romero, A. 2012f.  Ackad uses power computers to solve problems.  The Edwardsville Intelligencer 10 February 2012, p.3.

0628. Romero, A. 2012g.  Jackson teaches African-American life with literature.  The Edwardsville Intelligencer 17 February 2012, p.3.

0629. Romero, A. 2012h.  Ibroscheva looks at how the media portrays women.  The  Edwardsville Intelligencer 24 February 2012, p.3.

0630. Romero, A. 2012i.  Minear teaches the art of teaching singingThe Edwardsville Intelligencer 2 March 2012, p.3.

0631. Romero, A. 2012j.  Jones seeks to engage students in ChemistryThe Edwardsville Intelligencer 9 March 2012, p.3.

0632. LaFond, L., W.A. Retzlaff  & A. Romero (Eds.). 2012.  After the Academy: Memories of Teaching and Learning in the Land of Lincoln.  Edwardsville, Illinois: College of Arts and Sciences, SIUE. 184 pp.

0633. Romero, A. 2012.  Ruth Slenczynska, the pianist who took her future in her hands. Pp. 33-46, In: LaFond, L., W.A. Retzlaff & A. Romero (Eds.). 2011. After the Academy: Memories of Teaching and Learning in the Land of Lincoln.  Edwardsville, Illinois: College of Arts and Sciences, SIUE.

0634. Romero, A. 2012.  Postscript: in academia as well, what’s past is prologue. Pp. 177-179, In: LaFond, L., W.A. Retzlaff  & A. Romero (Eds.). 2011. After the Academy: Memories of Teaching and Learning in the Land of Lincoln.  Edwardsville, Illinois: College of Arts and Sciences, SIUE.

0635. Romero, A. 2012m.  Davis studies gray areas of human sexuality.  The Edwardsville Intelligencer 16 March 2012, p.3.

0636. Romero, A. 2012n.  Linguist LaFond organizes space meeting.  The Edwardsville Intelligencer 23 March 2012, p.3.

0637. Romero, A. 2012o.  DeSpain uses latest technology to study English.  The Edwardsville Intelligencer 30 March 2012, p.3.

0638. Romero, A. 2012p.  Harris studies African-American moments.  The Edwardsville Intelligencer 6 April 2012, p.3.

0639. Romero, A. 2012q.  Brown studies problems of “Food Deserts.”  The Edwardsville Intelligencer 13 April 2012, p.3.

0640. Romero, A. 2012r.  Smithiger teaches the magic of percussion.  The Edwardsville Intelligencer 20 April 2012, p.3.

0641. Romero, A. 2012s.  Brunkow studies health of Midwest freshwaters.  The Edwardsville Intelligencer 27 April 2012, p.3.

0642. Romero, A. 2012t.  Nastasia is all about interpersonal communication.  The Edwardsville Intelligencer 4 May 2012, p.3.

0643. Romero, A. 2012u.  Johnson teaches, researches the English language.  The Edwardsville Intelligencer 11 May 2012, p.3.

0644. Romero, A. 2012v.  SIUE’s Schapman trains future opera singers.  The Edwardsville Intelligencer 18 May 2012, p.3.

0645. Romero, A. 2012w.  Hildebrandt teaches lessons about tornadoes.  The Edwardsville Intelligencer 25 May 2012, p.3.

0646. Romero, A. 2012x. Caves as biological spaces. Polymath 2(2):1-15.

0647. Romero, A. 2012x.  SIUE students visit Joplin one year later.  The Edwardsville Intelligencer 1 June 2012, p.3.

0648. Romero, A. 2012y.  Cuban scholars see possibilities in relations.  The Edwardsville Intelligencer 8 June 2012, p.3.

0649. Romero, A. 2012z.  Schulz investigates threat of invasive speciesThe Edwardsville Intelligencer 15 June 2012, p.3.

0650. Romero, A. 2012aa.  Mann studies French and French culture in the modern world. The Edwardsville Intelligencer 22 June 2012, p.3.

0651. Romero, A. 2012ab.  Wells teaches the music of business and jazz.  The Edwardsville Intelligencer 29 June 2012, p.3.

0652. Romero, A. 2012ac.  Caves as biological spaces.  Polymath 2(2):23-23 (abstract).649.

0653. Romero, A. 2012ad.  Yousef studies the physics of life and health.  The Edwardsville Intelligencer 6 July 2012, p.3.

0654. Romero, A. 2012ae.  Heil studies terrorism, sex trafficking in U.S.  The Edwardsville Intelligencer 13 July 2012, p.3.

0655. Romero, A. 2012af.  Hansen probes little-known aspects of Lincoln.  The Edwardsville Intelligencer 20 July 2012, p.3.

0656. Romero, A. 2012ag.  Cocuzza teaches students how to be actors.  The Edwardsville Intelligencer 27 July 2012, p.3.

0657. Romero, A. 2012ah.  Drake sees SIUE Gardens as social service.  The Edwardsville Intelligencer 3 August 2012, p.3.

0658. Romero, A. 2012ai.  Zamora discusses secrets of graphic designersThe Edwardsville Intelligencer 10 August 2012, p.3.

0659. Romero, A. 2012aj.  Pearson studies philosophies, ethics of science.  The Edwardsville Intelligencer 17 August 2012, p.3.

0660. Romero, A. 2012ak.  Voss feels people need to know how nature works.  The Edwardsville Intelligencer 24 August 2012, p.3.

0661. Romero, A. 2012al.  Dirks-Linhorst looks at different angles of the law. The Edwardsville Intelligencer 31 August 2012, p.3.

0662. Romero, A. 2012am.  For Truckenbrod, being a soprano is hard work.  The Edwardsville Intelligencer 7 September 2012, p.3.

0663. Romero, A. 2012an.  Jennings studies environmental pollutants.  The Edwardsville Intelligencer 14 September 2012, p.3.

0664. Romero, A. 2012ao.  Frey-Spurlock studies women’s roles in society.  The Edwardsville Intelligencer 21 September 2012, p.3.

0665. Romero, A. 2012ap.  How people learn English as second language.  The Edwardsville Intelligencer 28 September 2012, p.3.

0666. Romero, A. 2012aq.  Arts & Issues brings international diversity.  The Edwardsville Intelligencer 5 October 2012, p.3.

0667. Romero, A. 2012ar.  Wulfsong teaches, executes designs for theater.  The Edwardsville Intelligencer 12 October 2012, p.3.

0668. Romero, A. 2012as.  Ledzewicz applies math to health sciencesThe Edwardsville Intelligencer 19 October 2012, p.3.

0669. Romero, A. 2012at.  For Vogrin, creative writing is a way of life.  The Edwardsville Intelligencer 26 October 2012, p.3.

0670. Romero, A. & M. Morgan. 2012.  Communicating the value of a Liberal Arts Education. CCAS 2012 Annual Meeting Program.  Seattle, WA, 31 October-3 November. P. 15.

0671. Romero, A. 2012au.  Dimick assesses the relationship of art, talent.  The Edwardsville Intelligencer 2 November 2012, p.3.

0672. Romero, A. 2012av.  Oberweis studies drug problems in society.  The Edwardsville Intelligencer 9 November 2012, p.3.

0673. Romero, A. & E.O. Keith (Eds.). 2012.  New Approaches to the Study of Marine Mammals.  Rijeka, Croatia: InTech. 248 pp.

0674. Romero, A. 2012aw.  Preface. Pp. ix-xi. In: Romero, A. & E.O. Keith (Eds.). 2012. New Approaches to the Study of Marine Mammals.  Rijeka, Croatia: InTech.

0675. Romero, A. 2012ax.  When whales became mammals: the scientific journey of cetaceans from fish to mammals in the history of science. Pp. 4-30. In: Romero, A. & E.O. Keith (Eds.). 2012. New Approaches to the Study of Marine Mammals.  Rijeka, Croatia: InTech.

0676. Romero, A. 2012ay.  Yankee Whaling in the Caribbean Basin: its Impact in a Historical Context. Pp. 223-232. In: Romero, A. & E.O. Keith (Eds.). 2012. New Approaches to the Study of Marine Mammals.  Rijeka, Croatia: InTech.

0677. Romero, A. 2012az.  In Memoriam: Edward O. Keith. 16 October 1951 – 14 September 2012. Pp. 247-248. In: Romero, A. & E.O. Keith (Eds.). 2012. New Approaches to the Study of Marine Mammals.  Rijeka, Croatia: InTech.

0678. Romero, A. 2012ba.  Maätita studies issues of motherhood, sexuality.  The Edwardsville Intelligencer 16 November 2012, p.3.

0679. Romero, A. & K. Nolte.  2012.  Charles Darwin’s Bubble: The Evolution of Down House.  Polymath 2(4):14-29.

0680. Romero, A. 2012bb.  Hamad studies, teaches properties of light.  The Edwardsville Intelligencer 23 November 2012, p.3.

0681. Romero, A. 2012bc.  Crane studies, teaches the philosophy of life. The Edwardsville Intelligencer 30 November 2012, p.3.

0682. Romero, A. 2012bd.  Bell teaches students art of music conducting.  The Edwardsville Intelligencer 7 December 2012, p.3.

0683. Romero, A. 2012be.  Maynard teaches art of journalism, television.  The Edwardsville Intelligencer 14 December 2012, p.3.

0684. Romero, A. 2012bf.  Minchin studies, teaches conservation issues. The Edwardsville Intelligencer 21 December 2012, p.3.

0685. Romero, A. 2012bg.  Lavallee teaches and studies Chinese culture.  The Edwardsville Intelligencer 28 December 2012, p.3.


0686. Romero, A. 2013a.  Barnett directs the University Museum at SIUE.  The Edwardsville Intelligencer 4 January 2013, p.3.

0687. Romero, A. 2013b.  Carter teaches effects of inequalities in society.  The Edwardsville Intelligencer 11 January 2013, p.3.

0688. Romero, A. 2013c.  Theodorakis studies effects of toxic chemicalsThe Edwardsville Intelligencer 18 January 2013, p.3.

0689. Romero, A. 2013d.  Schaefer works to facilitate better communication.  The Edwardsville Intelligencer 25 January 2013, p.3.

0690. Romero, A. 2013e.  SIUE airs 100th episode of “Segue” radio show.  The Edwardsville Intelligencer 1 February 2013, p.3.

0691. Romero, A. 2013f.  Lyman teaches importance of scriptwriting.  The Edwardsville Intelligencer 8 February 2013, p.3.

0692. Romero, A. 2013g.  Hicks studies power, problems of the media.  The Edwardsville Intelligencer 15 February 2013, p.3.

0693. Romero, A. 2013h.  SIUE alum finds great talent in Cuban artists.  The Edwardsville Intelligencer 22 February 2013, p.3.

0694. Romero, A. 2013i.  Theater education valuable to all students.  The Edwardsville Intelligencer 1 March 2013, p.3.

0695. Romero, A. 2013j.  Frick teaches about women in the renaissance.  The Edwardsville Intelligencer 8 March 2013, p.3.

0696. Romero, A. 2013k.  P.R. takes on new urgency in troubled times.  The Edwardsville Intelligencer 15 March 2013, p.3.

0697. Romero, A. 2013l.  Shabangi wants to excite young about science.  The Edwardsville Intelligencer 22 March 2013, p.3.

0698. Romero, A. 2013m.  Expert: Reasons for debt partly cultural.  The Edwardsville Intelligencer 29 March 2013, p.3.

0699. Romero, A. 2013n.  Panel sees ESL as topic of hope, despair.  The Edwardsville Intelligencer 5 April 2013, p.3.

0700. Romero, A. 2013o. Colloquium focuses on books, meaning. The Edwardsville Intelligencer 12 April 2013, p.3.

0701. Pearson, C.; R. Essner, A. Romero & J. Rehg. 2013. Charles Darwin’s On the Origin of Species: Interdisciplinary Perspectives, p. 10, In: The College of Arts and Sciences 9th Annual Colloquium. April 15-16, 2013. Southern Illinois University Edwardsville.

0702. Romero, A. 2013p. From Aristotle to Linnaeus: The Books that Transformed Whales into Mammals, p. 13, In: The College of Arts and Sciences 9th Annual Colloquium. April 15-16, 2013. Southern Illinois University Edwardsville.

0703. Romero, A. 2013q. Cuban scientist discusses exchange with SIUE. The Edwardsville Intelligencer 19 April 2013, p.3.

0704. Romero, A. 2013r. Students of black theater break stereotypes. The Edwardsville Intelligencer 26 April 2013, p.3.

0705. Romero, A. 2013s. O’Brien studies the origins of the “moron.” The Edwardsville Intelligencer 3 May 2013, p.3.

0706. Romero, A. 2013t. Weissinger studies impact of black churches. The Edwardsville Intelligencer 10 May 2013, p.3.

0707. Romero, A. 2013u. Paulette studies good, bad of Colonial America. The Edwardsville Intelligencer 17 May 2013, p.3.

0708. Romero, A. 2013v. Murals take on new form and purposes. The Edwardsville Intelligencer 24 May 2013, p.3.

0709. Romero, A. 2013w. Forensics far more than what’s seen on TV. The Edwardsville Intelligencer 31 May 2013, p.3.

0710. Romero, A. 2013x. Miller studies Germany’s economic history. The Edwardsville Intelligencer 7 June 2013, p.3.

0711. Romero, A. 2013y. Roles of police, military change with society. The Edwardsville Intelligencer 14 June 2013, p.3.

0712. Romero, A. 2013z. 19th century literature reflects modern life. The Edwardsville Intelligencer 21 June 2013, p.3.

0713. Romero, A. 2013aa. Former ESTL mayor gives back to alma mater. The Edwardsville Intelligencer 28 June 2013, p.3.

0714. Romero, A. 2013ab. Professor: Bank rules still not tough enough. The Edwardsville Intelligencer 5 July 2013, p.3.

0715. Romero, A. 2013ac.  Non-profits play important role in society. The Edwardsville Intelligencer 12 July 2013, p.3.

0716. Romero, A. 2013ad.  Floating Gold: A Natural (and Unnatural) History of Ambergris.  Christopher Kemp. Chicago and London: The University of Chicago Press, 2012. 187 pp. $22.50 cloth (ISBN – 13: 978-0-226-43036-2). Polymath 3(2):56. (Book review).

0717. Romero, A. 2013ae. Technology can be seen as driver of history. The Edwardsville Intelligencer 19 July 2013, p.3.

0718. Romero, A. 2013af. Reality of chemistry is far from stereotypesThe Edwardsville Intelligencer 26 July 2013, p.3.

0719. Romero, A. 2013ag. When substance abuse and mental illness combine. The Edwardsville Intelligencer 3 August  2013, p.3.

0720. Romero, A. 2013ah. Cuba trip presents surprises for SIUE student.The Edwardsville Intelligencer 9 August 2013, p.3.

0721. Romero, A. 2013ai. Students explore China’s culture, industry. The Edwardsville Intelligencer 16 August 2013, p. 3.

0722. Romero, A. 2013aj. Professor teaches science teachers to teach. The Edwardsville Intelligencer 23 August 2013, p. 3.

0723. Romero, A. 2013ak. Reasons for government frustration are many. The Edwardsville Intelligencer 30 August 2013, p. 3.

0724. Romero, A. 2013al. Inequalities for women take a toll on everyone. The Edwardsville Intelligencer 6 September 2013, p. 3.

0725. Romero, A. 2013am. Saxophone elicits passion among its players. The Edwardsville Intelligencer. 13 September 2013, p. 3.

0726. Romero, A. 2013an. Ireland trip exposes students to turbulent history. The Edwardsville Intelligencer 20 September 2013, p.3.

0727. Romero, A. 2013ao. Louis Agassiz: Creator of American Science. Christopher Irmscher. Boston and New York: Houghton Mifflin Harcourt, 2013. 434 pp. $35.00 cloth (ISBN 978-0-547-57767-8). Polymath 3(3):62-63. (Book Review).

0728. Romero, A. & R. Dixon. 2013. Obituary: Kevin Johnson (1968-2013).Polymath 3(3):64-67.

0729. Romero, A. 2013ap. Chemist breaks with the usual stereotypes.The Edwardsville Intelligencer 27 September 2013, p.3.

0730. Romero, A. 2013aq. Clothing tells important story for anthropologist.The Edwardsville Intelligencer 4 October 2013, p.3.

0731. Romero, A. 2013ar. Students learn more than Spanish in Spain. The Edwardsville Intelligencer 11 October 2013, p.3.

0732. Romero, A. 2013as. Scholar introduces SIUE students to Yoruba. The Edwardsville Intelligencer 18 October 2013, p.3.

0733. Romero, A. 2013at. Sustainability an issue that crosses many areas. The Edwardsville Intelligencer 25 October 2013, p.3.

0734. Romero, A. 2013au. Music student shares dream for native country.The Edwardsville Intelligencer 1 November 2013, p.3.

0735. Romero, A. 2013av. Mather explains the known and unknown universe.The Edwardsville Intelligencer 8 November 2013, p.3.

0736. Romero, A. 2013aw. Health communication closely tied to culture. The Edwardsville Intelligencer 15 November 2013, p.3.

0737. Romero. A. 2013ax. LGBT community faces stigma, stereotypes. The Edwardsville Intelligencer 22 November 2013, p. 3.

0738. Romero, A. 2013ay. Genetics answers questions and raises more. The Edwardsville Intelligencer 29 November 2013, p.3.

0739. Romero, A. 2013az. America still fascinated by its own Civil War.The Edwardsville Intelligencer 6 December 2013, p. 3.

0740. Romero, A. 2013ba. SIUE theater students find inspiration in LondonThe Edwardsville Intelligencer 13 December 2013, p. 3.

0741. Romero, A. 2013bb.  Panama trip will explore biodiversity hotspotThe Edwardsville Intelligencer 20 December 2013, p. 3.

0742. Romero, A. 2013bc.  Social media’s undeniable impact on journalismThe Edwardsville Intelligencer 27 December 2013, p. 3.


0743. Romero, A. 2014a. Local sociologist studies unions and feminism. The Edwardsville Intelligencer 3 January 2014, p. 3.

0744. Romero, A. 2014b. Climate, humans pose consequences for water. The Edwardsville Intelligencer 10 January 2014, p. 3.

0745. Romero, A. 2014b. Suriname trip opens new cultures to students. The Edwardsville Intelligencer 17 January 2014, p. 3.

0746. Romero, A. 2014d. To one local man, clarinet more than a “stick”. The Edwardsville Intelligencer 24 January 2014, p. 3.

0747. Romero, A. 2014e. Turkish language a bridge to understanding. The Edwardsville Intelligencer 31 January 2014, p. 3.

0748. Romero, A. 2014f. Students embrace avant-garde theatre style. The Edwardsville Intelligencer 7 February 2014, p. 3.

0749. Romero, A. 2014g. Diversity more than a black and white issue. The Edwardsville Intelligencer 14 February 2014, p. 3.

0750. Romero, A. 2014h. Literature, religion influence scholar’s work. The Edwardsville Intelligencer 21 February 2014, p. 3.

0751. Romero, A. 2014i. Higher education fundraisers react to new realities. The Edwardsville Intelligencer 28 February 2014, p. 3.

0752. Romero, A. 2014j.Identity requires more than just citizenship. The Edwardsville Intelligencer 7 March 2014, p. 3.

0753. Romero, A. 2014k. Public administration more than just politics. The Edwardsville Intelligencer 14 March 2014, p. 3.

0754. Romero, A. 2014l. Letters to a Young Scientist. Edward O. Wilson. New York and London: Liveright Publishing Corporation, A Division of W. W. Norton & Company, 2013. 245 pp. $21.95 cloth (ISBN 978-0-87140-377-3).Polymath4(1):62-63.

0755. Romero, A. 2014m. Masangu Shabangi (1965-2014)Polymath4(1):66-69.

0756. Romero, A. 2014n. Geography more than just maps and capitals. The Edwardsville Intelligencer 21 March 2014, p. 3.

0757. Romero, A. 2014o. Poetry still has the power to carry the day.The Edwardsville Intelligencer 28 March 2014, p. 3.

0758. Romero, A. 2014p. Lost in migration: lack of correlation between geomagnetic anomalies and cetacean strandings in the Caribbean, p. 3, In: The College of Arts and Sciences 10th Annual Colloquium. April 2-3, 2014. Southern Illinois University Edwardsville.

0759. Romero, A. 2014q. Active faunal colonization of caves: the role of natural selection, p. 11, In: The College of Arts and Sciences 10th Annual Colloquium. April 2-3, 2014. Southern Illinois University Edwardsville.

0760. Romero, A., R. Baker, J. E. Creswell, A. Singh, A. McKie & M. Manna. 2014. Environmental history of marine mammal exploitation in Trinidad and Tobago, W.I. and its ecological impact. Pp. 93-111, In: S. Johnson (Ed.). Animals. Isle of Harris, UK: White Horse Press.

0761. Romero, A. 2014r. Language is the “lens” to our understanding. The Edwardsville Intelligencer 4 April 2014, p. 3.

0762. Romero, A. 2014s. Civil War, Lincoln engage scholars and public. The Edwardsville Intelligencer 11 April 2014, p. 3.

0763. Romero, A. 2014t. Communication is the key to career success.The Edwardsville Intelligencer 18 April 2014, p. 3.

0764.  Romero, A. 2014u. Academic advising a key to student success.The Edwardsville Intelligencer 25 April 2014, p. 3.

0765.  Romero, A. 2014v. Band students learn music and culture on trip. The Edwardsville Intelligencer 2 May 2014, p. 3.

0766. Romero, A. 2014w. Scholar explains recent museum boom in China. The Edwardsville Intelligencer 9 May 2014, p. 3.

0767.  Romero, A. 2014x. Scholar brings English literature to 21st century.The Edwardsville Intelligencer 16 May 2014, p. 3.

0768. Romero, A. 2014y. Undergrads inspired by ability to do research. The Edwardsville Intelligencer 23 May 2014, p. 3.

0769. Romero, A. 2014z. “Art-A-Thon” celebrates importance of arts. The Edwardsville Intelligencer 30 May 2014, p. 3.

0770. Romero, A. 2014aa. Social work a broad, often invisible professionThe Edwardsville Intelligencer 6 June 2014, p. 3.

0771. Romero, A. 2014ab. Retiring professor leaves environmental legacyThe Edwardsville Intelligencer 13 June 2014, p. 3.

0772. Romero, A. 2014ac. French roots go deep in U.S., St. Louis history.The Edwardsville Intelligencer 20 June 2014, p. 3.

0773. Romero, A. 2014ad. Cuban scholar building connections locallyThe Edwardsville Intelligencer 27 June 2014, p. 3.

0774. Romero, A. 2014ae. On being a professor: the challenges of today and tomorrow. Polymath 4(2):1-3.

0775. Romero, A. 2014af. Presidencies derailed: why university leaders fail and how to prevent it. Stephen Joel Trachtenberg, Gerald B. Kauvar, and E. Grady Bogue. Baltimore: The John Hopkins University Press, 2013. 163 pp. $34.95 cloth (ISBN 978-1-4214-1024-1).Polymath 4(2):70-71 (book review).

0776. Romero, A. 2014ag. Theater education includes acting, promotion. The Edwardsville Intelligencer 3 July 2014, p. 3.

0777. Romero, A. 2014ah. Book preservation still important in digital age. The Edwardsville Intelligencer 11 July 2014, p. 3.

0778. Romero, A. 2014ai. Music education is a key to student success. The Edwardsville Intelligencer 18 July 2014, p. 3.

0779. Romero, A. 2014aj. Communication key to world, family relations. The Edwardsville Intelligencer 25 July 2014.

0780. Romero, A. 2014ak. Failures require new thoughts on crime. The Edwardsville Intelligencer 1 August 2014, p. 3.

0781. Romero, A. 2014al. Historian studies World War I-era lynching. The Edwardsville Intelligencer 8 August 2014, p. 3.

0782. Romero, A. 2014am. Theater degrees prepare students for careers. The Edwardsville Intelligencer 15 Augus t 2014, p. 3.

0783. Romero, A. 2014an. Speakers, artists open SIUE to the community.The Edwardsville Intelligencer 22 August 2014, p. 3.

0784. Romero, A. 2014ao. Black studies programs aid in understanding U.S.The Edwardsville Intelligencer 29 August 2014, p. 3.

0785. Romero, A. 2014ap. Economies and cultures can’t be separated. The Edwardsville Intelligencer 5 September 2014, p. 3.

0786. Romero, A. 2014aq. Teaching students to overcome a fear of math. The Edwardsville Intelligencer 12 September 2014, p. 3.

0787. Romero, A. 2014ar. Some languages in Nepal in danger of disappearing.The Edwardsville Intelligencer 19 September 2014, p. 3.

0788. Romero, A. 2014as. Higher Education in America. Derek Bok. Princeton and Oxford: Princeton University Press, 2013. 479 pp. $35.00 cloth (ISBN 978-0-15914-0).Polymath 4(3):56-57.

0789. Romero, A. 2014at. Technology no substitute for video shooting skill. The Edwardsville Intelligencer 26 September 2014, p. 3.

0790. Romero, A. 2014au. Self-proclaimed hippie inspired by existentialist.The Edwardsville Intelligencer 3 October 2014, p. 3.

0791. Romero, A. 2014av. Jazz trumpet requires passion and practice. The Edwardsville Intelligencer 10 October 2014, p. 3.

0792. Romero, A. 2014aw. African-American lit a window into culture.The Edwardsville Intelligencer 17 October 2014, p. 3.

0793. Romero, A. 2014ax. Secessionist movements take many forms. The Edwardsville Intelligencer 24 October 2014, p. 3.

0794. Romero, A. 2014ay. Music a pathway to cultural understanding. The Edwardsville Intelligencer 31 October 2014, p. 3.

0795. Romero, A. 2014az. Insects and humans share a complex history. The Edwardsville Intelligencer 7 November 2014, p. 3.

0796. Romero, A. 2014ba.  Building bridges with Chinese universities. The Edwardsville Intelligencer 14 November 2014, p. 3.

0797. Romero, A. 2014bb. Scholar asks how Mesopotamians lived, felt. The Edwardsville Intelligencer 21 November 2014, p. 3.

0798. Romero, A. 2014bc. Internet changing life in remote parts of earth. The Edwardsville Intelligencer 28 November 2014, p. 3.

0799.Romero, A. 2014bd. Technology can aid an artist, not to create one. The Edwardsville Intelligencer 5 December 2014, p. 3.

0800. Romero, A. 2014be. Racism, sexism problems for women of color.The Edwardsville Intelligencer 12 December 2014, p. 3.

0801. Romero, A. 2014bf. Local mapping lab serves many interests. The Edwardsville Intelligencer 19 December 2014, p. 3.

0802. Romero, A., L. LaFond & R. Rodríguez Rodríguez. 2014a. Polymath: Special Issue on Cuba at:

0803. Romero, A., L. LaFond & R. Rodríguez Rodríguez. 2014b. Special Editor’s Introduction:Cuba. Polymath 4(4):i-ii.

0804. Romero, A. 2014bg. Felipe Poey, hyperbole, and the myth of the “isolated genius” among Spanish and Latin American scientists. Polymath 4(4):85-95.

0805. Romero, A. 2014bh. Constituciones De La Real Y Pontificia Universidad De San Geronimo: Fundada En El Convento De San Juan De Letran, Orden De Predicadores, De La Ciudad De San Cristobal De La Habana, En La Isla De Cuba – Primary Source Edition. (Facsimile Reproduction) Charleston, NC: Nabu Press 2013. 136 pp. $16.66 paperback (ISBN 978-1289778668)Polymath 4(4):96.

0806. Romero, A. 2014bi. What changes with Cuba could mean. The Edwardsville Intelligencer 22 December 2014, p. 3.

0807. Romero, A. 2014bj. Young voter participation dependent on many issues. The Edwardsville Intelligencer 26 December 2014, p. 3.


0808. Romero, A. 2015a. How to make higher public education freeThe Edwardsville Intelligencer 19 January 2015, p. 3.

0809. Romero, A. 2015b. Universities need to police themselves better. The Edwardsville Intelligencer 26 January 2015, p. 3.

0810. Romero, A. 2015c. Campuses struggling with mental health issues. The Edwardsville Intelligencer 3 February 2015, p. 3.

0811. Romero, A. 2015d. Women, minorities face prejudice in academia. The Edwardsville Intelligencer 9 February 2015, p. 3.

0812. Romero, A. 2015e. Technological fixes won’t solve educational issues. The Edwardsville Intelligencer 16 February 2015, p. 3.

0813. Romero, A. 2015f. Higher education should monitor its students. The Edwardsville Intelligencer 23 February 2015, p. 3.

0814. Romero, A. 2015g. Higher education needs to listen better. The Edwardsville Intelligencer 2 March 2015, p. 3.

0815.Romero, A. 2015h. Academia needs to be more of a leader. The Edwardsville Intelligencer 9 March 2015, p.

0816. Romero, A. 2015i. Vision of founding fathers becomes blurred. The Edwardsville Intelligencer 16 March 2015, p. 3.

0817. Romero, A. 2015j. It’s time to discuss race relations on campuses. The Edwardsville Intelligencer 23 March 2015, p.

0818. Romero, A. 2015k. Post secondary education needs common sense. The Edwardsville Intelligencer 30 March 2015, p. 3.

0819. Romero, A. 2015l. Higher education needs to reassess its leadership. The Edwardsville Intelligencer 6 April 2015, p. 3.

0820. Romero, A. 2015m. College education is still a worthwhile investment. The Edwardsville Intelligencer 13 April 2015, p. 3.

0821. Romero, A. 2015n. The feds are watching colleges and universities. The Edwardsville Intelligencer 20 April 2015, p.

0822. Romero, A. 2015o. Colleges should encourage prompt graduation. The Edwardsville Intelligencer 27 April 2015, p. 3.

0823. Romero, A. 2015p. Claims of demise of humanities greatly exaggerated. The Edwardsville Intelligencer 4 May 2015, p. 3.

0824. Romero, A. 2015q. Higher education faces quagmire with distance education. The Edwardsville Intelligencer 11 May 2015, p. 3.

0825. Romero, A. 2015r. Faculty need to reclaim narrative on higher education. The Edwardsville Intelligencer 18 May 2015, p. 3.

0826. Romero, A. 2015s. College presidents see gloom from the top. The Edwardsville Intelligencer 26 May 2015, p. 3.

0827. Romero, A. 2015t. Cut administrators to lower college costs?USA Today 28 May 2015.

0828. Romero, A. 2015u. Degrees of Inequality. How the Politics of Higher Education Sabotaged the American Dream. Suzanne Mettler. New York: Basic Books, A Member of the Perseus Group, 2014. 261 pp. $29.99 cloth (ISBN 978-0-465-04496-2)Polymath 5(1):23-26 (book review).

0829. Romero, A. 2015v. Is going cheap choking higher education?The Edwardsville Intelligencer 1 June 2015, p. 3.

0830. Romero, A. 2015w. College students want more campus mentoring. The Edwardsville Intelligencer 8 June 2015, p. 3.

0831. Romero, A. 2015X. College sports remain a source of controversy. The Edwardsville Intelligencer 15 June 2015, p. 3.

0832. Romero, A. 2015y. Who is to blame for the high cost of college?The Edwardsville Intelligencer 22 June 2015, p. 3.

0833. Romero, A. 2015z. Universities need to rethink their missions.The Edwardsville Intelligencer 29 June 2015, p. 3

0834. Romero, A. 2015aa. Higher education becoming a political issue. The Edwardsville Intelligencer 6 July 2015, p. 3.

0835. Romero, A. 2015ab. Suing Alma Mater. Higher Education and the Courts. Michael A. Olivas. Baltimore: The John Hopkins University Press, 2013. 221 pp. $32.95 paperback (ISBN 978-1421409238)Polymath 5(2):27-30.

0836. Romero, A. 2015ac. How important are those college rankings?The Edwardsville Intelligencer 13 July 2015, p. 3.  

0837. Romero, A. 2015ad. Transfers a game changer in higher education. The Edwardsville Intelligencer 20 July 2015, p. 3.

0838. Romero, A. 2015ae. Student debt could impact future health care. The Edwardsville Intelligencer 29 July 2015, p. 3.

0839. Romero, A. 2015af. A higher education degree is good for your health. The Edwardsville Intelligencer 3 August 2015, p. 3.

0840. Romero, A. 2015ag. There are no such things as “party schools.”The Edwardsville Intelligencer 10 August 2015, p. 3.

0841. Romero, A. 2015ah. Alumni of the arts are often happier than most. The Edwardsville Intelligencer 17 August 2015, p. 3.

0842. Romero, A. 2015ai. U.S. needs to increase its scientific literacy. The Edwardsville Intelligencer 24 August 2015, p. 3.

0843. Romero, A. 2015aj. Student debt affects minorities more than others. The Edwardsville Intelligencer 31 August 2015, p. 3.

0844. Romero, A. 2015ak. Positive news for LGBT people in science fields. The Edwardsville Intelligencer 8 September 2015, p. 3.

0845. Romero, A. 2015al. Considerations are many when choosing a major. The Edwardsville Intelligencer 14 September 2015, p. 3.

0846. Romero, A. 2015am. Students are increasingly less prepared for college. The Edwardsville Intelligencer 21 September 2015, p. 3.

0847. Romero, A. 2015an. College decisions require careful consideration. The Edwardsville Intelligencer 28 September 2015, p. 3.

0848. Romero, A. 2015ao. There are many reasons why college leaders fail. The Edwardsville Intelligencer 5 October 2015, p. 3.

0849. Romero, A. 2015ap. Humboldt and Darwin.The New York Times 155(57,016): Section 7 (Book Reviews):6. 11 October 2015.

0850. Romero, A. 2015aq. Higher education needs high-profile celebrities.The Edwardsville Intelligencer 12 October 2015, p. 3.

0851. Romero, A. 2015ar. Jobs prospects for college grads better than ever. The Edwardsville Intelligencer 19 October 2015, p. 3.

0852. Romero, A. 2015as. Liberal arts education gaining recognition. The Edwardsville Intelligencer 26 October 2015, p. 3.

0853. Romero, A. 2015at. Beware of false prophets in higher education. The Edwardsville Intelligencer 2 November 2015, p. 3.

0854. Romero, A. 2015au. College libraries are facing multiple threats.The Edwardsville Intelligencer 9 November 2015, p. 3.

0855. Romero, A. 2015av. Why so many are leaving higher education.The Edwardsville Intelligencer 16 November 2015, p. 3.

0856. Romero, A. 2015aw. Racial issues in higher education will continue.The Edwardsville Intelligencer 23 November 2015, p. 3.

0857. Romero, A. 2015ax. There are no shortcuts to increasing enrollments.The Edwardsville Intelligencer 30 November 2015, p. 3.

0858. Romero, A. 2015ay. Higher education distortions enter into debates. The Edwardsville Intelligencer 7 December 2015, p. 3.

0859. Romero, A. 2015az. Zakaria, Fareed.  In defense of a Liberal Education. New York: W.W. Norton, 2015. 204 pp. $23.95 hardcover (ISBN 978-0-393-24786-8). Polymath 5(3):31-34.

0860. Romero, A. 2015ba. Iarovici, Doris. Mental Health Issues and the University Student.Baltimore: The John Hopkins University Press, 2014. 264 pp. $41.95 paperback (ISBN 978-1421412382).Polymath 5(3):35-38.

0861. Romero, A. 2015bb. Communications now a culture war in academia. The Edwardsville Intelligencer 14 December 2015, p. 3.

0862. Romero, A. 2014 (2015bc). Environmental Science for the Curious: My Perspective on Curiosity and Personal Satisfaction. In: Environmental Science for the Curious (K. Vaidya, Ed.). Amazon Digital Services, Inc.

0863. Romero, A. 2015bd. Sexual assaults on campus need to be addressed.The Edwardsville Intelligencer 21 December 2015, p. 3.

0864. Romero, A. 2015be. 2016 can be a year of opportunity for higher ed.The Edwardsville Intelligencer 28 December 2015, p. 3.


0865. Romero, A. 2016a. MOOCs are not the promised technological fix. The Edwardsville Intelligencer 4 January 2016, p. 3.

0866. Romero, A. 2016b. Colleges should be preparing their own leaders.The Edwardsville Intelligencer 11 January 2016, p. 3.

0867. Romero, A. 2016c. U.S. Supreme Court takes on Affirmative Action. The Edwardsville Intelligencer 18 January 2016, p. 3.

0868. Romero, A. 2016d. When ignorance begets confidence in higher ed. The Edwardsville Intelligencer 25 January 2016, p. 3.

0869. Romero, A. 2016e. U.S. lags behind in many areas of higher ed. The Edwardsville Intelligencer 01 February 2016, p. 3.

0870. Romero, A. 2016f. Women in academia facing more prejudices. The Edwardsville Intelligencer 08 February 2016, p. 3.

0871. Romero, A. 2016g. Colleges need to become better fundraisers.The Edwardsville Intelligencer 15 February 2016, p. 3.

0872. Romero, A. 2016h. There are alternatives to high student debt.The Edwardsville Intelligencer 22 February 2016, p. 3.

0873. Romero, A. 2016i. Higher education being haunted by zombies. The Edwardsville Intelligencer 29 February 2016, p. 3.

0874. Romero, A. 2016j. Student debt must be addressed in the election.The Edwardsville Intelligencer 07 March 2016, p. 3.

0875. Romero, A. 2016k. Issues with diversity on campus continue.The Edwardsville Intelligencer 14 March 2016, p. 3.

0876. Romero, A. 2016l. College class of 2019 is a more activist one.The Edwardsville Intelligencer 21 March 2016, p. 3.

0877. Romero, A. 2016m. College students deserve good role models.The Edwardsville Intelligencer 28 March 2016, p. 3.

0878. Romero, A. 2016n. Higher ed facing stagnation in the years to come.The Edwardsville Intelligencer 4 April 2016, p. 3.

0879. Romero, A. 2016o. When higher education gets put up for sale.The Edwardsville Intelligencer 11 April 2016, p. 3.

0880. Romero, A. 2016p. Location means a lot for college enrollments.The Edwardsville Intelligencer 18 April 2016, p. 3.

0881. Romero, A. 2016q. Fake universities are not necessarily a rarity.The Edwardsville Intelligencer 25 April 2016, p. 3.

0882. Romero, A. 2016r. The influence of religion on science: the case of the idea of predestination in biospeleology. Research Ideas and Outcomes 2: e9015. doi: 10.3897/rio.2.e9015. 20 pp.

0883. Romero, A. 2016s. College endowments are under scrutiny.The Edwardsville Intelligencer 2 May 2016, p. 3.

0884. Romero, A. 2016t. Faculty retention becoming a serious issue.The Edwardsville Intelligencer 9 May 2016, p. 3.

0885. Romero, A. 2016u. Academia is now facing a lot of gray rhinos.The Edwardsville Intelligencer 16 May 2016, p. 3.

0886. Romero, A. 2016v. Living in obscurity: Danté Fenolio – life in the dark.Environmental Biology of Fishes. DOI: 10.1007/s10641-016-0487-8.

0887. Romero, A. 2016w. Who gains from college diversity?The New York Times, Section A, p. 26. 19 May 2016.

0888. Romero, A. 2016x. Electronic devices bad for students in class.The Edwardsville Intelligencer 23 May 2016, p. 3.

0889. Romero, A. 2016y. Graduate students need advisement on life.The Edwardsville Intelligencer 31 May 2016, p. 3.

0890. Romero, A. 2016z. Something was rotten at Baylor University.The Edwardsville Intelligencer 6 June 2016, p. 3.

0891. Romero, A. 2016aa. Scandals follow hubris in higher education.The Edwardsville Intelligencer 13 June 2016, p. 3.

0892. Romero, A. & M. Nathe. 2016. Not all are created equal: an analysis of the environmental programs/departments in U.S. Institutions of Higher Education from 1900 until March 2014. International Journal for Innovation Education and Research 4(5):92-108.

0893. Romero, A. 2016ab. A profile in courage in higher education.The Edwardsville Intelligencer 20 June 2016, p. 3.

0894. Romero, A. 2016ac. Brexit is bad for higher education worldwide.The Edwardsville Intelligencer 27 June 2016, p. 3.

0895. Romero, A. 2016ad. The New Celebrity Scientists. Out of the Lab and into the Limelight. Fahy, Declan. Lanham: Rowman & Littlefield, 2015. 287 pp. $38.00hardcover (ISBN 978-1-4422-3342-3).Polymath 6(1):11-15.

0896. Romero, A. 2016ae. Richard A. Posner. Divergent Paths. The Academy and the Judiciary. Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 2016. 414 pp. $29.95 cloth (ISBN 978-0-674-28603-0).Polymath 6(1)16-20.

0897. Romero, A. 2016af. Affirmative action in higher ed sustained with caveats.The Edwardsville Intelligencer 11 July 2016, p. 3.

0898. Romero, A. 2016ag. Enrollment numbers can mean a lot to universities.The Edwardsville Intelligencer 18 July 2016, p. 3.

0899. Romero, A. 2016ah. America’s law schools need to be reformed.The Edwardsville Intelligencer 25 July 2016, p. 3.

0900. Romero, A. 2016ai. Internationalization a must in higher education.The Edwardsville Intelligencer 1 August 2016, p. 3.

0901. Romero, A. 2016aj. Scandals are threatening higher education.The Edwardsville Intelligencer 8 August 2016, p. 3.

0902. Romero, A. 2016ak. Slavery, racism still cast shadow on colleges.The Edwardsville Intelligencer 15 August 2016, p. 3.

0903. Romero, A. 2016al. Study abroad scholarships a good use of taxes. The Edwardsville Intelligencer 22 August 2016, p. 3.

0904. Romero, A. 2016am. Extreme poverty affects many college students.The Edwardsville Intelligencer 29 August 2016, p. 3.

0905. Romero, A. 2016an. Declining financial support drives students away.The Edwardsville Intelligencer 6 September 2016, p. 3.

0906. Romero, A. 2016ao. Despite changes, college’s role remains the same.The EdwardsvilleIntelligencer 15 September 2016, p. 3.

0907. Romero, A. 2016ap. Learning from Australia’s funding of higher ed.The Edwardsville Intelligencer 19 September 2016, p. 3.

0908. Romero, A. 2016aq. What the death of MOOCs has taught us.The Edwardsville Intelligencer 28 September 2016, p. 3.

0909. Romero, A. 2016ar. What the candidates promise for higher ed.The Edwardsville Intelligencer 3 October 2016, p. 3.

0910. Romero, A. 2016as. How higher ed will fare under GOP president.The Edwardsville Intelligencer 10 October 2016, p. 3.

0911. Romero, A. 2016at. What Democrats have planned for higher education. The Edwardsville Intelligencer 17 October 2016, p. 3.

0912. Romero, A. 2016au. College libraries eye tradition in era of change.The Edwardsville Intelligencer 24 October 2016, p. 3.

0913. Romero, A. 2016av. Student evaluations of instructors may be flawed. The Edwardsville Intelligencer 31 October 2016, p. 3.

0914. Romero, A. 2016aw. Higher education losing ground in public opinion.The Edwardsville Intelligencer 7 November 2016, p. 3.

0915. Romero, A. 2016ax. The consequences of the election for higher education.The Edwardsville Intelligencer 14 November 2016, p. 3.

0916. Romero, A. 2016ay. Anti-Intellectualism casts shadow over higher ed.The Edwardsville Intelligencer 21 November 2016, p. 3.

0917. Romero, A. 2016az. Gruber explores the living lights of the oceans.College Talk (1):1-1. 27 November 2016.

0918. Romero, A. 2016ba. The line between free speech and hate speech.The Edwardsville Intelligencer 28 November 2016, p. 3.

0919. Romero, 2016bb. De Graauw studies the role of nonprofits on immigration. College Talk (2):1-1. 4 December 2016.

0920. Romero, A. 2016bc. Higher ed sees decline in language studies.The Edwardsville Intelligencer 5 December 2016, p. 3.

0921. Romero, A. 2016bd. Levin analyzes the life, work of artists.College Talk (3):1-1. 11 December 2016.

0922. Romero, A. 2016be. Siddhartha Mukherjee. The Gene. An Intimate History. New York: Scribner, 2016. 593 pp. $32.00 cloth (ISBN 978-1-4767-3350-0). Polymath 6(2):79-83.

0923. Romero, A. 2016bf. Viewing Obama’s legacy in higher education. The Edwardsville Intelligencer 12 December 2016, p. 3.

0924. Romero, A. 2016bg. Rollyson explains the art of biography. College Talk (4):1-1. 18 December 2016.

0925. Romero, A. 2016bh. If you think education is expensive, try ignorance. The Edwardsville Intelligencer 19 December 2016, p. 3.

0926. Romero, A. 2016bi. Higher ed needs new forms of marketing. The Edwardsville Intelligencer 27 December 2016, p. 3.

0927. Romero, A. 2017a. Student debt disproportionally affects blacks. The Edwardsville Intelligencer 3 January 2017, p. 3.


0928. Romero, A. 2017b. Peixoto studies, teaches the powerhouses of life. College Talk (5):1-1. 5 January 2017.

0929. Romero, A. 2017c. College enrollments becoming problematic. The Edwardsville Intelligencer 9 January 2017, p. 3.

0930. Romero, A. 2017d. Allen teaches and practices the art of translation. College Talk (6):1-1. 16 January 2017.

0931. Romero, A. 2017e. Griffiths looks at the way movies portray people. College Talk (7):1-1. 22 January 2017.

0932. Romero, A. 2017f. Freedom of the press in danger on campuses.The Edwardsville Intelligencer 23 January 2017, p. 3.

0933. Romero, A. 2017g. Brenkman explains the art behind writing novels. College Talk (8):1-1. 29 January 2017.

0934. Romero, A. 2017h. Department chairs play key role in education.The Edwardsville Intelligencer 30 January 2017, p. 3.

0935. Romero, A. 2017i. Gosnell studies and communicates ecological concerns. College Talk (9):1-1. 5 February 2017.

0936. Romero, A. 2017j. There is proof diversity makes colleges better. The Edwardsville Intelligencer 6 February 2017, p. 3.

0937. Romero, A. 2017k. Plekon looks at the evolution of religious beliefs. College Talk (10):1-1. 12 February 2017.

0938. Romero, A. 2017k. Not all presidential spouses are created equal.The Edwardsville Intelligencer 13 February 2017, p. 3.

0939. Romero, A. 2017l. McGlynn studies, teaches different forms of the English languageCollege Talk (11):1-1. 20 February 2017.

0940. Romero, A. 2017m. Diversity more than race, gender in higher ed.The Edwardsville Intelligencer 20 February 2017, p. 3.

0941. Romero, A. 2017n. Marlow has music and journalism in his DNA. College Talk (12):1-1. 25.

0942. Romero, A. 2017o. Distance education more expensive than thought. The Edwardsville Intelligencer 27 February 2017, p. 3.

0943. Romero, A. 2017p. Hallowell teaches and practices environmental writing. College Talk (13):1-1. 5 March 2017. February 2017.

0944. Romero, A. 2017q. Female administrators face discrimination in ed.The Edwardsville Intelligencer 6 March 2017, p. 3.

0945. Romero, A. 2017r. Taylor studies, teaches the history of civil rights.

College Talk(14):1-1. 12 March 2017.

0946. Romero, A. 2017s. Teaching must become engaging to be effective. The Edwardsville Intelligencer 13 March 2017, p. 3.

0947. Romero, A. 2017t. Guest studies the diversity of New York’s Chinatown. College Talk (15):1-1. 19 March 2017.

0948. Romero, A. 2017u. Does unconscious bias effect higher ed hiring? The Edwardsville Intelligencer 20 March 2017, p. 3.

0949. Romero, A. 2017v. Eversley studies racial and sexual identities. College Talk (16):1-1. 26 March 2017.

0950. Romero, A. 2017w. Allan explores African literature and its impact on the U.S. College Talk (17):1-1. 2 April 2017.

0951. Romero, A. 2017x. College presidents worry about higher ed’s future.The Edwardsville Intelligencer 3 April 2017, p. 3.

0952. Romero, A. 2017y. Mangels analyzes and teaches human behavior. College Talk (18):1-1. 9 April 2017.

0953. Romero, A. 2017z. Moody’s paints grim picture for higher education.The Edwardsville Intelligencer 10 April 2017, p. 3.

0954. Romero, A. 2017aa. Hentzi looks at literature and its circumstances. College Talk (19):1-1.16 April 2017.

0955. Romero, A. 2017ab. Study: Students often perceived differently by race.The Edwardsville Intelligencer 17 April 2017, p. 3.

0956. Romero, A. 2017ac. Pence teaches, studies the history of Germany.College Talk (20):1-1. 23 April 2017.

0957. Romero, A. 2017ad. For whom the scientists marched last Saturday. The Edwardsville Intelligencer 24 April 2017, p. 3.

0958. Romero, A. 2017ae. Jones studies the condition of American politics. College Talk (21):1-1. 30 April 2017.

0959. Romero, A. 2017af. Campuses and the freedom of speech trap.The Edwardsville Intelligencer 1 May 2017, p. 3.

0960. Romero, A. 2017ag. Teufel thinks that we need philosophers more than ever. College Talk (22):1-1. 7 May 2017.

0961. Romero, A. 2017ah. Private colleges can partner to solve issues.The Edwardsville Intelligencer 8 May 2017, p. 3.

0962. Romero, A. 2017ai. McManus studies, teaches international conflicts. College Talk (23):1-1. 14 May 2017.

0963. Romero, A. 2017aj. Colleges may take blame for government actions.

The Edwardsville Intelligencer 15 May 2017, p. 3.

0964. Romero, A. 2017ak. Dalgish studies, teaches the complexities of languages. College Talk (24):1-1. 21 May 2017.

0965. Romero, A. 2017al. Immigration barriers will affect U.S. academia. The Edwardsville Intelligencer 22 May 2017, p. 3.

0966. Romero, A. 2017am. Naidoo explores the psychology of leaders and their followers. College Talk (25):1-1. 28 May 2017.

0967. Romero, A. 2017an. What the proposed federal budget really means.The Edwardsville Intelligencer 30 May 2017, p. 3.

0968. Romero, A. 2017am. Newman, Eric A., Alfonso Araque, Janet M. Dubinsky, Larry W.Swanson, Lyndel Saunders King, and Eric Himmel. The Beautiful Brain: The Drawings of Santiago Ramón y Cajal. New York: Abrams, 2017. 207 pp. $40.00 hardcover (ISBN: 9781419722271). Polymath 7(1):32-34. (Book Review).

0969. Romero, A. 2017ap. Sobel, Dava. The Glass Universe: How the Ladies of the Harvard Observatory Took the Measure of the Stars. New York: Viking, 2016. 324 pp. $30.00 hardcover (ISBN 9780670016952). Polymath 7(1):35-38. (Book Review).

0970. Romero, A. 2017aq. Spokony is a hands-on researcher, teacher of genetics. College Talk (26):1-1. 3 June 2017.

0971. Romero, A. 2017ar. For social justice, we need to look in the mirror.The Edwardsville Intelligencer 5 June 2017, p. 3.

0972. Romero, A. 2017as. Patrick teaches communication with a critical edge. College Talk (27):1-1. 10 June 2017.

0973. Romero, A. 2017at. Quality of general ed generally satisfactory.The Edwardsville Intelligencer 12 June 2017, p. 3.

0974. Romero, A. 2017au. Gabor teaches, practices reporting the truth.College Talk (28):1-1. 18 June 2017.

0975. Romero, A. 2017av. College staff continue to be unsung heroes. The Edwardsville Intelligencer 19 June 2017, p. 3.

0976. Romero, A. 2017aw. Best Practices for Recruiting and Retaining Diverse Faculty for Institutions of Higher Education. Council of Colleges of Arts and Sciences Publications. 6 pp.

0977. Romero, A. 2017ax. Brooks studies how Asians have been viewed by Americans. College Talk (29):1-1. 25 June 2017.

0978. Romero, A. 2017ay. College presidents mostly white and aging. The Edwardsville Intelligencer 26 June 2017, p. 3.

0979. Romero, A. 2017az. Kolb studies, teaches Shakespeare and his times. College Talk (29):1-1. 2 July 2017.

0980. Romero, A. 2017ba. Caplan studies, teaches the richness of Yiddish theater. College Talk (30):1-1. 9 July 2017.

0981. Romero, A. 2017bb. College enrollments continue national decline.The Edwardsville Intelligencer 10 July 2017, p. 3.

0982. Romero, A. 2017bc. Behar unites the arts and technology.College Talk (31):1-1. 16 July 2017.

0983. Romero, A. 2017bd. High ed opinions divided along party lines.The Edwardsville Intelligencer 17 July 2017, p. 3.

0984. Romero, A. 2017be. Cohen looks at the influence of politics on art.College Talk (32):1-1. 23 July 2017.

0985. Romero, A. 2017bf. Race, gender play role in college graduations.The Edwardsville Intelligencer 28 July 2017, p. 3.

0986. Romero, A. 2017bg. Sibrava studies, teaches about stress and anxiety.  College Talk (33):1-1. 30 July 2017.

0987. Romero, A. 2017bh. Tenure carries both privileges and responsibilities.The Edwardsville Intelligencer 31 July 2017, p. 3.

0988. Romero, A. 2017bi. Rice studies the reality behind the Machu Picchu mythCollege Talk (34):1-1. 6 August 2017.

0989. Romero, A. 2017bj. The war on higher education is now underway. The Edwardsville Intelligencer 7 August 2017, p. 3.

0990. Romero, A. 2017bk. Albright uses avatars, horses to improve mental health. College Talk (35):1-1. 13 August 2017.

0991. Romero, A. 2017bl. When secrecy hurts institutions of higher ed. The Edwardsville Intelligencer 14 August 2017, p. 3

0992. Romero, A. 2017bm. Medved studies communication at home and at work. College Talk (37):1-1. 20 August 2017

0993. Romero, A. 2017bn. Why more hate groups target college campuses. The Edwardsville Intelligencer 21 August 2017, p. 3

0994. Romero, A. 2017bo. Wollman studies, teaches the magical world of Broadway musicals.College Talk (38):1-1. 27 August 2017

0995. Romero, A. 2017bp. Colleges need to prepare for Generation Alpha.The Edwardsville  Intelligencer 28 August 2017, p. 3.

0996. Romero, A. 2017bq. Scherbaum studies the world of work. College Talk (39):1-1. 3 September 2017.

0997. Romero, A. 2017br. The higher purpose of higher education is real. The Edwardsville Intelligencer 5 September 2017, p. 3.

0998. Romero, A. 2017bs. Goodman teaches how corporations should communicate. College Talk (40):1-1. 10 September 2017.

0999. Romero, A. 2017bt. Online education is faulty and needs reform. The Edwardsville Intelligencer 11 September 2017, p. 3

1000. Romero, A. 2017bu. Tenneriello studies theater in many forms. College Talk (41):1-1. 17 September 2017.

1001. Romero, A. 2017bv. Mental health on campuses requires more attention. The Edwardsville Intelligencer 18 September 2017, p. 3

1002. Romero, A. 2017bw. Zarnoch studies the health of our waters. College Talk (42):1-1. 24 September 2017.

1003. Romero, A. 2017bx. What changes to Title IX mean for higher education. The Edwardsville Intelligencer 25 September 2017, p. 3.

1004. Romero, A. 2017by. For philosophers, art is also in the mind. College Talk (43):1-1. 1 October 2017

1005. Romero, A. 2017bz. Administrative costs of colleges can be controlled.The Edwardsville Intelligencer 2 October 2017, p. 3.

1006. Romero, A. 2017ca. Sloin studies anti-Semitism in relation to global history. College Talk (44):1-1. 8 October 2017.

1007. Romero, A. 2017cb. Civility needs to return to higher education. The Edwardsville Intelligencer 12 October 2017, p. 3.

1008. Romero, A. 2017cc. Lawyers have two approaches to higher ed. The Edwardsville Intelligencer 16 October 2017, p. 3.

1009. Romero, A.; M. Whitecliffe, D. Obalil, C. Wright, V. Spicanovic & J. Elwell. 2017. The Many Faces of Diversity, pp: 54, 56, In: Crossing Boundaries. The 54th. Annual Conference of the International Council of Fine Arts Deans. Halifax, Nova Scotia. October 18-21, 2017. 100 pp.

1010. Romero, A. 2017cd. Rodríguez studies America’s Image of Cuba and of itself. College Talk (45):1-1. 22 October 2017.

1011. Romero, A. 2017ce. Tribalism is consuming the world.The Edwardsville Intelligencer 24 October 2017, p. 3.

1012. Romero, A. 2017cf. Beeman studies racism in today’s America.College Talk (46):1-1. 22 October 2017.

1013. Romero, A. 2017cg. The gap between faculty, presidents. The Edwardsville Intelligencer 31 October 2017, p. 3.

1014. Romero, A. 2017ch. Mills Teaches the Current State of Journalism.College Talk (47):1-1. 5 November 2017.

1015. Romero, A. 2017ch. Making college presidents more visible. The Edwardsville Intelligencer 9 November 2017, p. 3.

1016. Romero, A. 2017ci. Hahn Teaches, Studies the Ways People Communicate. College Talk (48):1-1. 12 November 2017.

1017. Romero, A. 2017cj. Paradise lost for higher education. The Edwardsville Intelligencer 15 November 2017, p. 3.

1018. Romero, A. 2017ck. Borrego Studies African Wildlife and its Future. College Talk (49):1-1. 10 November 2017.

1019. Romero, A. 2017cl. A Glimpse into Quiroga’s Musical Roots.College Talk (50):1-1. 21 November 2017.

1020. Romero, A. 2017cm. When institutions of higher ed fail.The Edwardsville Intelligencer 2 December 2017, p. A3.

1021. Romero, A. 2017cn. Boozer Shows How Archaeologists Do Their WorkCollege Talk (50):1-1. 6 December 2017.

1022. Romero, A. 2017co. Assault on peer review a new threat.The Edwardsville Intelligencer 6 December 2017, p. A3.

1023. Romero, A. 2017cp. Watts Teaches about Social Responsibility and Leadership. College Talk (51):1-1. 12 December 2017.

1024. Romero, A. 2017cq. The war on science grows deeper.The Edwardsville Intelligencer 13 December 2017, p. A3.

1025. Romero, A. 2017cr. Gharib Addresses Sexism and the Decline of Media. Ghraib. College Talk (54):1-1. 19 December 2017.

1026. Romero, A. 2017cs. The new tax law’s impact on higher ed. The Edwardsville Intelligencer 20 December 2017, p. A3.

1027. Romero, A. 2017ct. Higher education has had better years. The Edwardsville Intelligencer 28 December 2017, p. A3.


1028. Romero, A. 2018a. The effect of the end of net neutrality. The Edwardsville Intelligencer 5 January 2018, p. A3.

1029. Romero, A. 2018b. U.S. vs. Europe in higher education.The Edwardsville Intelligencer 10 January 2018, p. A3.

1030. Hentzi, G. & A. Romero (Eds.). 2018. From Departure to Destination: Reminiscences of the Weissman School of Arts and Sciences. New York: Weissman School of Arts and Sciences. 137 pp.

 1031. Romero, A. 2018c. Weissman Was My Destination , pp. 125-128, In: Hentzi, G. & A. Romero (Eds.). 2018. From Departure to Destination. Reminiscences of the Weissman School of Arts and Sciences. New York: Weissman School of Arts and Sciences. 137 pp.

1032. Romero, A. 2018d. Higher ed is in need of fresh ideas.The Edwardsville Intelligencer 25 January 2018, p. A3.

1033. Romero, A. 2018e. Gander thinks we need more civility in public discourse. College Talk (54):1-1. 25 January 2018.

1034. Romero, A. 2018f. Africa has a need for higher education. The Edwardsville Intelligencer 31 January 2018, p. A3.

1035. Romero, A. 2018g. Logemann Studies, Practices Corporate Communication in Today’s World. College Talk (55):1-1. 9 February 2018.

1036. Romero, A. 2018h. A shutdown’s effect on higher ed. The Edwardsville Intelligencer 12 February 2018, p. A3.

1037. Romero, A. 2018i. The new federal budget and higher ed. The Edwardsville Intelligencer 19 February 2018, p. A3.

1038. Romero, A. 2018j. Greer Studies, Teaches How to Improve Medicines.  College Talk (56):1-1. 22 February 2018.

1039. Romero, A. 2018k. Meddling goes on in higher education. The Edwardsville Intelligencer 27 February 2018, p. A3.

1040. Romero, A. 2018l. Academia is running for Congress.  The Edwardsville Intelligencer 5 March 2018, p. A3.

1041. Romero, A. 2018m. Goldstein Sees a Bright Future for Organizational Psychology. College Talk (57):1-1. 9 March 2018.

1042. Romero, A. 2018n. Humanities and the pursuit of happiness. The Edwardsville Intelligencer 12 March 2018, p. A3.

1043. Romero, A. 2018o. Gun violence requires better prevention.  The Edwardsville Intelligencer 19 March 2018, p. A3.

1044. Romero, A. 2018p. Kramer Studies Sexuality Through Comparative LiteratureCollege Talk (58):1-1. 20 March 2018.

1045. Romero, A. 2018q. Demagoguery hurting higher education. The Edwardsville Intelligencer 26 March 2018, p. A3.

1046. Romero, A. 2018r. Employers seeking skills, not robots. The Edwardsville Intelligencer 2 April 2018, p. A3.

1047. Romero, A. 2018s. College students not intolerant of ideas. The Edwardsville Intelligencer9 April 2018, p. A3.

1048. Romero, A. 2018t. Swarbrick Works, Studies Environmental Humanities. College Talk  (59):1-1. 9 April 2018.

1049. Romero, A. 2018u. 2001 and future of higher education. The Edwardsville Intelligencer 16 April 2018, p. A3.

1050. Romero, A. 2018v. The cost of athletics in higher ed. The Edwardsville Intelligencer 23 April 2018, p. A3.

1051. Romero, A. 2018w. Hitchcock Studies the Working Class in Literature, Cinema. College Talk (60):1-1. 25 April 2018.

1052. Romero, A. 2018x. Sports scandals cost higher education ed big. The Edwardsville Intelligencer30 April 2018, p. A3.

1053. Romero, A. 2018y. A catch-22 for Illinois higher ed. The Edwardsville Intelligencer 7 May 2018, p. A3.

1054. Romero, A. 2018z. Seid Studies Issues of Chinese Culture and Gender.  College Talk  (61):1-1. 9 May 2018.

1055. Romero, A. 2018aa. Iran deal will impact higher ed. The Edwardsville Intelligencer 14 May 2018, p. A3.

1056. Romero, A. 2018ab. For-profit colleges impact democracy. The Edwardsville Intelligencer 21 May 2018, p. A3.

1057. Romero, A. 2018ac. Kang teaches the political economics of the Far East. (62):1-1. 22 May 2018.

1058. Romero, A. 2018ad. Authoritarians don’t like higher ed.  The Edwardsville Intelligencer 29 May 2018, p. A3.

1059. Romero, A.2018ae. One year after U.S. withdrawal. The Edwardsville Intelligencer 4 June 2018, p. A3.

1060. Romero, A.2018af. Not all college faculty are equal. The Edwardsville Intelligencer 11 June 2018, p. A3.

1061. Romero, A. 2018ag. 1061. In Memoriam: Herbert L. Needleman (1927-2017). Environmental Research 165:507-509. DOI:

1062. Romero, A. 2018ah. The problem of sexual harassment. The Edwardsville Intelligencer 18 June 2018, p. A3.

1063. Romero, A. 2018ai. Higher education and immigration. The Edwardsville Intelligencer 29 June 2018, p. A3.

1064. Romero, A. 2018aj. Justice Kennedy’s exit and higher ed. The Edwardsville Intelligencer 2 July 2018, p. A3.

1065. Romero, A. 2018ak. Trade wars are bad for higher ed. The Edwardsville Intelligencer 9 July 2018, p. A3.

1066. Romero, A. 2018al. Dismantling affirmative action in higher ed. The Edwardsville Intelligencer 16 July 2018, p. A3.

1067. Romero, A. 2018am. Uncertain futures for private colleges. The Edwardsville Intelligencer 23 July 2018, p. A3.

1068. Romero, A. 2018an. The black legend of higher education. The Edwardsville Intelligencer30 July 2018, p. A3.

1069. Romero, A. 2018ao. Rankings can be bad for colleges’ health. The Edwardsville Intelligencer 6 August 2018, p. A3.

1070. Romero, A. 2018ap. Adviser nomination spurs questions. The Edwardsville Intelligencer 13 August 2018, p. A3.

1071. Romero, A. 2018aq. Losing protection from predatory colleges. The Edwardsville Intelligencer 20 August 2018, p. A3.

1072. Romero, A. 2018ar. Let’s never forget: Extinction is forever. The Edwardsville Intelligencer 27 August 2018, p. A3.

1073. Ortiz, E.; G. Sanford, L. Cornick & A. Romero. 2018. Generating the pipeline: Addressing Bias in Recruiting and Hiring. pp. 28 In: Council of Colleges of Arts and Sciences 2018 Annual Meeting. Chicago. November 14-17. Preview.

1074. Romero, A. 2018as. Dobi Studies, Teaches the Marvels of Genetics. College Talk (63):1-1. 13 September 2018.

1075. Romero, A. 2018at. Shelby Studies, Teaches Art and Society. College Talk (64):1-1. 27 September 2018.

1076. Romero, A. 2018au. Johnson Practices, Teaches the Art of Journalism. College Talk (65):1-1. 12 October 2018.

1077. Romero, A. 2018av. Engle-Friedman Studies Sleep and Sleep Deprivation. College Talk (66):1-1. 25 October 2018.

1078. Romero, A. 2018aw. For Anderton Music is Much More Than Entertainment. College Talk (67):1-1. 8 November 2018.

1079. Peters, S.; A. Romero, J. Bodwin. 2018.  Creativity: The Common Ground between Arts and Sciences.. In: Council of Colleges of Arts and Sciences 2018 Annual Meeting. Chicago. November 14-17.(

1080. Romero, A. 2018ax.  Milch Sees a Great Future for Art Administrators. College Talk (68):1-1. 6 December 2018.


1081. Romero, A. & S. Peters. 2019a.  Creativity in Higher Education, pp. 49-49, In: The 56thAnnual Conference of the International Council of Fine Arts Deans. Austin, Texas. October 2-5, 2019.

1082. Romero, A. & S.J. Peters. 2019.  Leonardo’s Children: Stories on Creativity by Fine Arts Leaders that will Blow your Mind.. 134pp.

1083. Romero, A. 2019. Promoting science through the arts. Pp. 105-126, In: Romero, A. & S.J. Peters (Eds.).  Leonardo’s Children: Stories on Creativity by Fine Arts Leaders that will Blow your Mind. International Council of Fine Arts Deans (ICFAD).


1084. Romero, A. 2020a. Letters from Academia. Ideas for Reforming Higher Education and Other Essays.  Amazon Books. xiv + 434 pp.

1085. Kline, E. (Edited by A. Romero). 2020. BIOMA: Venezuela’s Green Machine. 79 pp.

1086. Romero, A. & J. Pratte. 2020.  Institutional Failure in Higher Education. Why some colleges and universities fail and what we can do to Prevent it.  Amazon Books. xii + 236 pp.

1087. Romero, A. 2020b.  Hypogean Communities as Cybernetic Systems: Implications for the Evolution of Cave Biotas.  Diversity 12, 413:1-12. doi:10.3390/d12110413

1088. Romero, A. 2020c.  Contributions to the History and Philosophy of Science.  Amazon Books, viii + 352 pp.

1089. Romero, A. 2020d.  College Talk. Interviews with 300 People from Academia.  Amazon Books. viii + 330 pp.


1090. Romero, A. 2021a. Contributions to Paleontology and Evolutionary Biology. Amazon Books. vi + 224 pp.

1091. Romero, A. 2021b.  Foreword III, p. iv, In: Z. Liu, Cave Biology.  Beijing: Science Press.


1092. Romero, A. 2022. Hollywood Goes to College. Movies, Academia, and American

Culture. Amazon Books. viii + 578pp.


1093. Romero, A. 2023. Bill Maher and Higher Education. Letters from the Academy 22 October 2023.

1094. Romero, A. & M. Moseley. 2023. The biospeleological work of Carl L. Hubbs (1984-

1979): an appraisal. Subterranean Biology 46:165-198. doi: 10.3897/subtbiol.46.114190.

Special articleRomero’s curiosity rooted in undersea world. The Edwardsville Intelligencer 2 January 2015, p. 3.